Combinatorial Game Theory: A Special Collection in Honor of Elwyn Berlekamp, John H. Conway and Richard K. Guy 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783110755343,3110755343,9783110755497, 3110755491
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 3110755491
- ISBN-13 : 9783110755497
- Author: John H. Conway , Richard K. Guy ,Richard J. Nowakowski
Elwyn Berlekamp, John Conway, and Richard Guy wrote ‘Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays’ and turned a recreational mathematics topic into a full mathematical fi eld. They combined set theory, combinatorics, codes, algorithms, and a smattering of other fi elds, leavened with a liberal dose of humor and wit. Their legacy is a lively fi eld of study that still produces many surprises. Despite being experts in other areas of mathematics, in the 50 years since its publication, they also mentored, talked, and played games, giving their time, expertise, and guidance to several generations of mathematicians.
Table contents:
- The game dynamics of Transverse Wave
- The game of blocking pebbles
- Transverse Wave: an impartial color-propagation game inspired by social influence and Quantum Nim
- A note on numbers
- Ordinal sums, clockwise hackenbush, and domino shave
- Advances in finding ideal play on poset games
- Strings-and-Coins and Nimstring are PSPACE-complete
- Partizan subtraction games
- Circular Nim games CN(7, 4)
- Misère domineering on 2 × n boards
- Relator games on groups
- Playing Bynum’s game cautiously
- Genetically modified games
- Game values of arithmetic functions
- A base-p Sprague–Grundy-type theorem for p-calm subtraction games: Welter’s game and representations of generalized symmetric groups
- Recursive comparison tests for dicot and dead-ending games under misère play
- Impartial games with entailing moves
- Extended Sprague–Grundy theory for locally finite games, and applications to random game-trees
- Grundy numbers of impartial three-dimensional chocolate-bar games
- On the structure of misère impartial games
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