Solid State NMR: Principles, Methods, and Applications 1st edition by Klaus Müller, Marco Geppi – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 3527690115, 9783527690114
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 3527690115
ISBN-13 : 9783527690114
Author : Klaus Müller, Marco Geppi
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful non-destructive technique capable of providing information about the molecular structure and dynamics of molecules. Alongside solution-state NMR, a well-established technique to study chemical structures and investigate physico-chemical properties of molecules in solutions, solid-state NMR (SSNMR) offers many exciting possibilities for the analysis of solid and soft materials across scientific fields. SSNMR shows unique capabilities for a detailed investigation of structural and dynamic properties of materials over wide space and time ranges. For this reason, and thanks to significant advances in the past several years, the application of SSNMR to materials is rapidly increasing in disciplines such as chemistry, physics, and materials and life sciences.
Solid State NMR: Principles, Methods, and Applications 1st Table of contents:
1 Introductory NMR Concepts
1.1 Historical Aspects
1.2 Basic Description of NMR Spectroscopy
1.3 Liquid‐state NMR Spectroscopy: Basic Concepts
1.4 Liquid‐state NMR Spectroscopy: Some Experiments
1.5 Solid Materials and NMR Spectroscopy
2 Mathematical and Quantum‐mechanical Tools
2.1 Definitions and Basic Concepts
2.2 Rotations and Frame Transformations
2.3 Time‐Independent Features: Energy Levels and Related Aspects
2.4 Dealing with Time Dependence
3 Nuclear Spin Interactions
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Interactions with External Magnetic Fields
3.3 Internal Interactions
4 Broadline NMR Spectroscopy
4.1 Introductory Remarks
4.2 Finite Pulse Duration and Adiabatic Pulses
4.3 Inhomogeneous and Homogeneous Line Broadening Mechanisms
4.4 Dilute Spin‐1/2 Nuclei
4.5 Abundant Spin‐1/2 Nuclei
4.6 Quadrupolar Nuclei
5 1D High‐resolution Solid‐state NMR Spectroscopy
5.1 Dilute Spin‐1/2 Nuclei
5.2 Abundant Spin‐1/2 Nuclei
5.3 Quadrupolar Nuclei
6 2D Solid‐State NMR Spectroscopy
6.1 Basic Concepts
6.2 Experiments Based on Chemical Shift Anisotropy
6.3 Experiments Based on Heteronuclear Dipolar Coupling
6.4 Experiments Based on Homonuclear Dipolar Coupling
6.5 Experiments Based on J‐coupling
6.6 Experiments Based on Quadrupolar Interaction
7 Molecular Dynamics by Solid‐State NMR
7.1 Experimental Observables and Motional Timescales
7.2 Motional Models
7.3 Broadline Experiments
7.4 High‐Resolution Experiments
8 Application of SSNMR to Selected Classes of Systems
8.1 Pharmaceuticals
8.2 Polymeric Materials
8.3 Inorganic and Organic–Inorganic Materials
8.4 Liquid Crystals and Model Membranes
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Tags: Solid State NMR, Principles, Methods, Applications, Klaus Müller, Marco Geppi