Teaching and Researching: Speaking 2nd Edition Rebecca Hughes- Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9781408205044,1408205041
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1408205041
- ISBN-13 : 978-1408205044
- Author: Rebecca Hughes
Speaking is a dynamic, interpersonal process and one that strongly influences how we are perceived by others in a range of formal and everyday contexts. Despite this, speaking is often researched and taught as if it is simply writing delivered in a different mode. In Teaching and Researching Speaking, Rebecca Hughes suggests that we have less understanding than we might of important meaning-making aspects of speech such as prosody, gaze, affect, and the ways speakers collaborate and negotiate with one another in interaction.
Table contents:
Section I. Issues in teaching and researching speaking.
Chapter 1: Conceptual and historical background.
Chapter 2: The research space: paradigms and issues.
Section II. Issues for teaching and assessing speaking.
Chapter 3: Approaches, materials and the issue of ‘real’ speech.
Chapter 4: Issues in assessing speaking.
Chapter 5: Approaches to researching speech.
Section III. Researching Speaking.
Chapter 6: Spoken Language and the Classroom.
Chapter 7: Research project ideas and frameworks.
Section IV: Resources and further information.
Chapter 8: Research borders and boundaries.
Chapter 9: Research resources.
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