Feeling Unreal: Depersonalization and the Loss of the Self – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780197622445,0197622445
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0197622445
- ISBN-13 : 978-0197622445
- Author(s):
Feelings of depersonalization-derealization, or a sense of detachment from one’s normal sense of self, are not uncommon. People often describe being outside of themselves, or watching themselves as if in a movie, during “unreal” circumstances such as a car crash or other trauma. This is the mind’s normal dissociative reaction at work. This protective system can go awry, however, and can be triggered by ongoing, lower-level stresses, childhood neglect, or certain drugs. Despite its prevalence, depersonalization is often misunderstood and is understudied compared to other conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
First published in 2006, Feeling Unreal, Depersonalization Disorder and the Loss of the Self was the first book of its kind to delve into the mysterious phenomenon of Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder (DDD). This fully revised and updated edition describes extensive new findings on the origins of DDD, the brain science supporting the diagnosis, and cutting-edge treatment approaches. DDD is examined from medical and psychiatric perspectives, but as the authors reveal, it also emerges in literary, philosophical and spiritual investigations. Feeling Unreal thoroughly explores these different aspects in a fascinating and essential resource that is clear and accessible to medical professionals and general readers alike. Physicians, mental health professionals, families, and those who have experienced DDD themselves will find with this book trustworthy and cutting-edge information on DDD, on its history and treatment, and on its place in literature and philosophy as well as in contemporary society.
Table contents:
1. Strangers to Ourselves
2. The Path to Understanding: A Historical Exploration
3. Symptoms and Scales
4. Making the Diagnosis
5. Differential Diagnosis
6. Refining the Diagnosis
7. Trauma, Attachment, Emotion, and Cognition
8. Neurobiology
9. The Blow of the Void and Spirituality
10. Biological Treatments
11. What to Expect When Starting Psychotherapy
12. Cognitive-Behavioral and Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy
13. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
14. Digital Depersonalization
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