Evil: A History 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780199915477,0199915474,9780190944223, 0190944226
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0190944226
- ISBN-13: 9780190944223
- Author: Andrew P. Chignell
The code of conduct for a leading tech company famously says “Don’t Be Evil.” But what exactly is evil? Is it just badness by another name–the shadow side of good? Or is it something more substantive–a malevolent force or power at work in the universe? These are some of the ontological questions that philosophers have grappled with for centuries. But evil also raises perplexing epistemic and psychological questions. Can we really know evil? Does a victim know evil differently than a perpetrator or witness? What motivates evil-doers? Satan’s rebellion, Iago’s machinations, and Stalin’s genocides may be hard to understand in terms of ordinary reasons, intentions, beliefs, and desires. But what about the more “banal” evils performed by technocrats in a collective: how do we make sense of Adolf Eichmann’s self-conception as just an effective bureaucrat deserving of a promotion? Evil: A History collects thirteen essays that tell the story of evil in western thought, starting with its origins in ancient Hebrew wisdom literature and classical Greek drama all the way to Darwinism and Holocaust theory.
Table contents:
1. Evil, Unintelligibility, Radicality: Footnotes to a Correspondence Between Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers
2. Kakology: A Study of Some Evil Words
3. Evil in the Hebrew Bible: The Case of the Wisdom Literature
4. Explaining Evil in Plato, Euripides, and Seneca
5. Explaining Evil in Late Antiquity: Plotinus and His Critics
6. Augustine on Evil
7. . . . but draw not nigh this tree: Evil in Early Islamic Thought
8. Evil and Late Medieval Thought
9. Evils, Privations, and the Early Moderns
10. Evil in Classical German Philosophy: Selfhood, Deception, and Despair
Reflection: Leopardi: “Everything Is Evil”
11. What Happened to Evil?
12. Evil, Natural Science, and Animal Suffering
13. Evil After the Holocaust
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