The Other ’68ers : Student Protest and Christian Democracy in West Germany 1st Edtion – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780192589354, 0192589350
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0192589350
- ISBN-13: 9780192589354
- Author: Anna von der Goltz
This is a history of 1968 written from a new perspective-that of center-right student activists in West Germany. Based on oral history interviews and new archival sources, it examines the ideas, experiences, and repertoires of center-right students in this age of protest. Writing these activists back into the history of 1968 and its afterlives -including student protest, cultural revolt, internationalism, debates about left-wing violence and the terror of the Red Army Faction, the memory wars of the 1980s and beyond – reveals that this was a broader, more versatile, and, ultimately, more consequential phenomenon than the traditionally narrower focus on a left-wing minority allows.
Table contents:
1. Between Engagement and Enmity
2. Talking About (My) Generation
3. Between Adenauer and Coca-Cola
4. From Berlin to Saigon and Back
5. Combative Politics
6. The (Ir)Resistible Rise of the Other ‘68ers
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