Futures – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780198806820,0198806825,2020934982
Product detail:
- ISBN 10: 2020934982
- ISBN 13: 9780198806820
- Author: Sandra Kemp, Jenny Andersson
Futures examines the relevance of futures studies to literary studies. It demonstrates how the growing interest in futures thinking is opening up multidisciplinary conversations and initiatives, examining historical and contemporary forms of futures knowledge, the methodologies and technologies of futures expertise, and the role played by different institutions on legitimising, deploying, and controlling anticipatory practices.
Bringing together emerging perspectives on the future from diverse disciplinary perspectives including critical theory, design, anthropology, sociology, politics, and history, this book places the provocation of power at the heart of the book through an investigation of futures as both objects of science and objects of the human imagination, creativity, and will. A multidisciplinary team of contributors challenge and debate the varied ways in which futures are conjured and constructed, exploring issues as diverse as the utopian imagination, history and philosophy, literary and political manifestos, artefacts and design fictions, and forms of technological and financial forecasting, big data, climate modelling, and scenarios.
The book positions the future as a question of power, of representations and counter-representations, and forms of struggle over future imaginaries. Forms of futures-making depend on complex processes of envisioning and embodiment. Each chapter investigates the critical vocabularies, genres, and representational methods – narrative, quantitative, visual, and material – of futures-making as deeply contested fields in cultural and social life.
Table of contents:
I. Future Histories
1. The Future Boardgame: Prediction as Power over Time
2. Preservation as Future Assembling Practices
3. A Space for Time: Museums as Futures Imaginaries
4. Voices Prophesying Everything: Tracing Futures in Twentieth-Century Periodicals
5. Ignorance Is Bliss: The Pluralization of the Future as a Challenge to Contemporary History
6. Italian Futurism and the Explosive ‘Now’
II. Knowing the Future
7. Futures Honed, Barbara Adam
8. Futures Studies: An Evolving Radical Epistemology
9. Future as an Horizon of Expectations
10. Creativity and the Ontology of Not-yet Being
11. Nineteen Eighty-Four in the British Telecom System: Computers, Science Fiction and Thatcherism in British Telecom
12. Universities, Futures, and Temporal Ambiguity
III. Salvation and Apocalypse
13. Apocalyptic, World-Repair, Divination: Persistent Modes of Future-knowing and their Continuing Relevance
14. Climate Change, Apocalypse and the Future of Salvation
15. Future Weather: Imagining and Articulating Uncertainty
16. African Science Fiction for Reimagining the Anthropocene
17. The Scarcity of Social Futures in the Digital Era
18. Future and Prophecies in the World Vision of The Islamic State Organization: Between Offensive Millenarianism and Precipitated Eschatologism
IV: Futures of Life
19. Post-Human Design: The Crafted Human Body and the Exoself
20. Transhumanists and Posthuman Imaginarie
21. Myths of the Future: Olaf Stapledon’s Last and First Men
22. Concepts of Future Generations: Four Contemporary Examples
23. Discounting the Future: A Political Technology
V: Future Worlds
24. Beyond Computation: Scenario Planning and the Spiritual Art of Multiple Futures
25. The Cybernetic Prediction: Orchestrating the Future
26. Making an Almanac; Producing Predictions between Data Science and Astrology
27. Life as Algorithm
28. The Birth of Nuclear Eternity
29. Future by Design: Seductive Technologies of Anticipation within the Future Industry
30. The Global Futures Lab: A Search for Hyper-contextualized Futures