The Development of Relational Aggression 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780190491826,0190491825,9780190671914, 0190671912
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0190671912
- ISBN-13: 9780190671914
- Author: Sarah M. Coyne, Jamie M. Ostrov
The Development of Relational Aggression provides scholars, researchers, practitioners, students, and parents with an extensive resource that will help move the field forward in our understanding of the development of relational aggression for the future.
Table contents:
Section 1 Relational Aggression Research: An Overview
1. The Development of Relational Aggression: An Introduction
2. Definitions—The Form and Function of Relational Aggression
3. Developmental Manifestations of Relational Aggression
4. Developmental Trajectories of Relational Aggression
5. Methodological Approaches to Studying Relational Aggression
6. Theoretical Perspectives to Studying the Development of Relational Aggression
7. Relational Aggression and Victimization and Psychopathology: Can We Explain the Links?
Section 2 Biobehavioral and Evolutionary Approaches to Relational Aggression
8. An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective of Indirect Aggression in Girls and Women
9. Psychophysiology Indicators of Relational Aggression
10. Examining Relational Aggression in an Individual Differences Context: Contributions from Personality and Genetics
Section 3 Socialization of Relational Aggression
11. The Peer Nature of Relational Aggression
12. Parenting and Relational Aggression
13. Media and Relational Aggression
14. Relational Aggression in Sibling Relationships
Section 4 The Development of Relational Aggression in Different Contexts
15. Relational Aggression and Bullying in a School Context
16. Relational Aggression in Dating and Romantic Relationships
17. Cultural Contexts of Relational Aggression
Section 5 Interventions and Closing Remarks
18. An Updated Review of Existing Relational Aggression Programs
19. The Future of Relational Aggression, and Final Remarks
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