Building Writing Skills the Hands-on Way – Online Resource Pages: Common Sentence Joining Patterns 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9781305260733,9781305865921,1305260732,1305865928
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 1305865928
- ISBN-13: 9781305865921
- Author: Jenia Walter
BUILDING WRITING SKILLS THE HANDS-ON WAY, 1st Edition teaches you the skills you need to become a college-level writer, reader, and critical thinker. The book takes the grr out of grammar, provides helpful instruction on writing sentences and paragraphs, and makes the essay writing process clear by leading you through lessons that include engaging hands-on activities. The friendly, informal tone makes the book easy to read, and the real-world examples and exercises are drawn from a variety of life experiences and perspectives. In short, this book makes the learning process more fun, less intimidating, and more effective.
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