ISE A History of Europe in the Modern World 12th edition by R.R. Palmer – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 126068718X 9781260687187
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ISBN-10 : 126068718X
ISBN-13 : 9781260687187
Author : R.R. Palmer
As the new title reflects Palmer’s A History of Europe in the Modern World maintains its well-established historical authority while focusing more specifically on Europe’s prominent role in modern global exchanges nation building transnational commercial systems colonial empires and cultural transitions. Combining concise accounts of specific nations and national differences with a wide-ranging comparative analysis of international events this updated edition of a classic text carefully examines the whole modern history of Europeans and their perpetually changing societies.Instructors and students can now access their course content through the Connect digital learning platform by purchasing either standalone Connect access or a bundle of print and Connect access. McGraw-Hill Connect® is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet. Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes the following:• SmartBook® – an adaptive digital version of the course textbook that personalizes your reading experience based on how well you are learning the content.• Access to your instructor’s homework assignments quizzes syllabus notes reminders and other important files for the course.• Progress dashboards that quickly show how you are performing on your assignments and tips for improvement.• The option to purchase (for a small fee) a print version of the book.
ISE A History of Europe in the Modern World 12th Table of contents:
Chapter 1 The Rise of Europe
1. Ancient Times: Greece, Rome, and Christianity
2. The Early Middle Ages: The Formation of Europe
3. The High Middle Ages: Secular Civilization
4. The High Middle Ages: The Church
Chapter 2 The Upheaval in Western Christendom, 1300–1560
5. Disasters of the Fourteenth Century
6. The Renaissance in Italy
7. The Renaissance outside Italy
8. The New Monarchies
9. The Protestant Reformation
10. Catholicism Reformed and Reorganized
Chapter 3 The Atlantic World, Commerce, and Wars of Religion, 1560–1648
11. The Opening of the Atlantic
12. The Commercial Revolution
13. Changing Social Structures
14. The Wars of Catholic Spain: The Netherlands and England
15. The Disintegration and Reconstruction of France
16. The Thirty Years’ War, 1618–1648: The Disintegration of Germany
Chapter 4 The Growing Power of Western Europe, 1640–1715
17. The Grand Monarque and the Balance of Power
18. The Dutch Republic
19. Britain: The Civil War
20. Britain: The Triumph of Parliament
21. The France of Louis XIV, 1643–1715: The Triumph of Absolutism
22. The Wars of Louis XIV: The Peace of Utrecht, 1713
Chapter 5 The Transformation of Eastern Europe, 1648–1740
23. Three Aging Empires
24. The Formation of an Austrian Monarchy
25. The Formation of Prussia
26. The Transformation of Russia
Chapter 6 The Scientific View of the World
27. The Emergence of a Scientific Culture: Bacon and Descartes
28. The Road to Newton: The Law of Universal Gravitation
29. New Knowledge of Human Beings and Society
30. Political Theory: The School of Natural Law
Chapter 7 The Global Struggle for Wealth and Empire
31. Elite and Popular Cultures
32. The Global Economy of the Eighteenth Century
33. Western Europe after the Peace of Utrecht, 1713–1740
34. The Great War of the Mid-Eighteenth Century: The Peace of Paris, 1763
Chapter 8 The Age of Enlightenment
35. The Philosophes and the Ideas of Enlightenment Culture
36. Enlightened Despotism: France, Austria, Prussia
37. Enlightened Despotism: Russia
38. The Partitions of Poland
39. New Stirrings: The British Reform Movement
40. The American Revolution
Chapter 9 The French Revolution
41. Social and Cultural Backgrounds
42. The Revolution and the Reorganization of France
43. The Revolution and Europe: The War and the “Second” Revolution, 1792
44. The Emergency Republic, 1792–1795: The Terror
45. The Constitutional Republic: The Directory, 1795–1799
46. The Authoritarian Republic: The Consulate, 1799–1804
Chapter 10 Napoleonic Europe
47. The Formation of the French Imperial System
48. The Grand Empire: Spread of the Revolution
49. The Continental System: Britain and Europe
50. The National Movements and New Nationalist Cultures
51. The Overthrow of Napoleon: The Congress of Vienna
Chapter 11 Industries, Ideas, and the Struggle for Reform, 1815–1848
52. The Industrial Revolution in Britain
53. The Advent of the “Isms”
54. The Leaking Dam and the Flood: Domestic
55. The Leaking Dam and the Flood: International
56. The Breakthrough of Liberalism in the West: Revolutions of 1830–1832
57. Triumph of the West European Bourgeoisie
Chapter 12 Revolutions and the Reimposition of Order, 1848–1870
58. Paris: The Specter of Social Revolution in the West
59. Vienna: The Nationalist Revolutions in Central Europe and Italy
60. Frankfurt and Berlin: The Question of a Liberal Germany
61. The New European “Isms”: Realism, Positivism, Marxism
62. Bonapartism: The Second French Empire, 1852–1870
Chapter 13 The Consolidation of Large Nation-States, 1859–1871
63. Backgrounds: The Idea of the Nation-State
64. Cavour and the Italian War of 1859: The Unification of Italy
65. The Founding of a German Empire and the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary
66. Tsarist Russia: Social Change and the Limits of Political Reform
67. Nation-Building in the Wider Atlantic World: The United States and Canada
Chapter 14 Europe’s Economic and Political Ascendancy, 1871–1914
68. The Concept of the Modern “Civilized World”
69. Basic Demography: The Increase of Europe’s Population
70. The World Economy of the Nineteenth Century
71. The Advance of Democracy: Third French Republic, United Kingdom, German Empire
Chapter 15 European Society and Culture, 1871–1914
72. The Advance of Democracy: Socialism, Labor Unions, and Feminism
73. Science, Philosophy, the Arts, and Religion
74. The Waning of Classical Liberalism
Chapter 16 Europe’s Colonial Empires and Global Dominance, 1871–1914
75. Imperialism: Its Nature and Causes
76. The Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire
77. The European Partition of Africa
78. Imperialism in Asia: The Dutch, the British, and the Russians
79. Imperialism in Asia: China and Europe
80. The Russo-Japanese War and Its Consequences
Chapter 17 The First World War
81. The International Anarchy
82. The Armed Stalemate
83. The Collapse of Russia and the Intervention of the United States
84. The Collapse of the Austrian and German Empires
85. The Economic, Social, and Cultural Impact of the War
86. The Peace of Paris, 1919
Chapter 18 The Russian Revolution and the Emergence of the Soviet Union
87. Backgrounds
88. The Revolution of 1905
89. The Revolution of 1917
90. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
91. Stalin: The Five-Year Plans and the Purges
92. The International Impact of Communism, 1919–1939
Chapter 19 Democracy, Anti-Imperialism, and the Economic Crisis After the First World War
93. The Advance of Democracy after 1919
94. The German Republic and the Spirit of Locarno
95. Anti-Imperialist Movements in Asia
96. The Great Depression: Collapse of the World Economy
Chapter 20 Democracy and Dictatorship in the 1930S
97. Trials and Adjustments of Democracy in Britain and France
98. Italian Fascism
99. Totalitarianism: Germany’s Third Reich
Chapter 21 The Second World War
100. The Weakness of the Democracies: Again to War
101. The Years of Axis Triumph
102. The Western-Soviet Victory
103. The Foundations of the Peace
Chapter 22 The Cold War and Reconstruction after the Second World War
104. The Cold War: The Opening Decade, 1945–1955
105. Western Europe: Economic Reconstruction
106. Western Europe: Political Reconstruction
107. Europe and the Global Economy
108. Communist Societies in the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe
Chapter 23 Decolonization and the Breakup of the European Empires
109. The Emergence of Independent Nations in South Asia and Southeast Asia
110. The African Revolution
111. Europe and the Modern Middle East
Chapter 24 Coexistence, Confrontation, and the New European Economy
112. Confrontation and Détente, 1955–1975
113. Collapse and Recovery of the European and Global Economy: The 1970s and 1980s
114. The Cold War Rekindled and Defused
Chapter 25 The International Revolt Against Soviet Communism
115. The Crisis in the Soviet Union
116. The Collapse of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe
117. The Collapse of the Soviet Union
118. After Communism
Chapter 26 Europe and the Changing Modern World
119. Western Europe after the Cold War
120. Nation-States and Economies in the Age of Globalization
121. Intellectual and Social Transitions in Modern Cultures
122. Europe and International Conflicts in the Early Twenty-First Century
123. Social and Environmental Challenges in the Twenty-First Century
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ISE A History,Europe,the Modern World,Palmer