Collective Skill Formation in the Knowledge Economy – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780192866257,0192866257,9780192691163, 0192691163
Product detail:
- ISBN 10: 0192691163
- ISBN 13: 9780192691163
- Author: Giuliano Bonoli, Patrick Emmenegger
Interest in collective skill formation systems has been high for a long time, but recent structural economic and societal developments have led commentators to question their viability. In particular, the shift towards a knowledge economy creates a number of challenges for these highly praised systems of vocational training. These challenges relate to the growing importance of knowledge intensive production in advanced economies and with the accelerated pace of change due to innovation and globalization. What is more, these issues are compounded by coinciding developments in growing inequality and the emergence of multicultural societies. Can collective skill formation systems adapt fast enough to the needs of the knowledge economy? Can they continue to be as successful as they have been in the past in integrating youth in the labour market? Will employers be willing to participate in the delivery of vocational training in this new context? In this book, a world class team of leading experts on collective skill formation systems provide a thorough discussion of these and other questions raised by the shift to a knowledge economy. The book argues that collective skill formation systems remain attractive for firms and governments. However, continuous and profound adjustments will be needed if they are to fulfil their objectives in terms of equity and efficiency.
Table of contents:
- 1. Collective Skill Formation in a Knowledge Economy: Challenges and Dilemmas
- 2. Occupations and Collective Skill Formation in the Knowledge Economy: Exploring Differential Employment Integration for the German Case
- 3. Reshaping the Role of Professional Associations and the Federal State in Swiss VET: Ambiguous Reactions to the Knowledge Economy
- 4. Still Egalitarian? How the Knowledge Economy Is Changing Vocational Education and Training in Denmark and Sweden
- 5. Efficiency, Social Inclusion, and the Dutch Pathway towards Vocational Education and Training Reform
- 6. The Politics of Social Inclusion in Collective Skill Formation Systems: Actors, Coalitions, and Policies
- 7. Employer Visibility and Sectors as Predictors of Egalitarian Values in VET: A Mixed-method Study of Recruiters’ Views on Apprentice Candidates
- 8. Pride and Prejudice? The Influence of Occupational Prestige on an Integration Programme for Refugees in Switzerland
- 9. The Credibility of Vocational Qualifications as a Barrier to Increasing the Flexibility of Collective Skill Formation Systems: An Analysis of the Slow Expansion of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Switzerland
- 10. Employer Influence in Vocational Education and Training: Germany and Sweden Compared
- 11. Employers’ Cooperation in the Knowledge Economy: Continuing Vocational Training in Switzerland
- 12. Enhancing Permeability through Cooperation: The Case of Vocational and Academic Worlds of Learning in the Knowledge Economy
- 13. Declining Collectivism at the Higher and Lower End: The Increasing Role of the Austrian State in Times of Technological Change
- 14. How Collective Skill Formation Systems Adapt to a Knowledge Economy