Full Fathom 5000: The Expedition of the HMS Challenger and the Strange Animals It Found in the Deep Sea – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780197541579,9780197541593,0197541577,0197541593,2021044997
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 2021044997
- ISBN-13 : 9780197541593
- Author: Graham Bell
Table contents:
1. The Deep Sea
2. Edward Forbes
3. Two Committees
4. The Ship and Her Crew
5. Outward Bound: December 1872–February 1873
6. First Leg: The First North Atlantic Transect, February–March 1873
7. Second Leg: The Sargasso Sea and Gulf Stream, March–May 1873
8. Third Leg: The Second North Atlantic Transect, June–July 1873
9. Fourth Leg: Into the South Atlantic, July–September 1873
10. Fifth Leg: Across the South Atlantic, September–December 1873
11. Sixth Leg: The Southern Ocean, December 1873–April 1874
12. Seventh Leg: The Coral Sea, June–September 1874
13. Eighth Leg: The Sea of Islands, September 1874–January 1875
14. Ninth Leg: The West Pacific Ocean, January–April 1875
15. Tenth Leg: The North Pacific Ocean, May–July 1875
16. Eleventh Leg: The Length of the Pacific Ocean, July–November 1875
17. Twelfth Leg: The Patagonian Fjords, December 1875–February 1876
18. Homeward Bound: February–May 1876
19. What Happened to the Ship
20. What Happened to the People
21. What Happened to the Animals
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