Contemporary French and Francophone Futuristic Novels: The Longing to be Written and its Refusal 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783031166273,3031166272,9783031166280, 3031166280
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 3031166280
- ISBN-13: 9783031166280
- Author: Emmanuel Buzay
This book sheds a new light on the metafictional aspects of futuristic and science fiction novels, at the crossroads of information and media studies, possible worlds theories applied to cognitive narratology, questions related to the criticism of post-humanity, and, more broadly, contemporary French and Francophone literature. It examines the fictional minds of characters and their conceptions of resistance to the anticipated worlds they inhabit, particularly in novels by Pierre Bordage, Marie Darrieussecq, Michel Houellebecq, Amin Maalouf, Jean-Christophe Rufin, Antoine Volodine, and Élisabeth Vonarburg. It also explores how corporal postures serve as a matrix for philosophical quests in novels by Amélie Nothomb, Alain Damasio, and Romain Lucazeau. More specifically, from the fictional readers’ points of view, it provides a critical approach to the mythologies of writing, in the wake of the French philosophical tales by authors including Cyrano de Bergerac and Voltaire, to question the traditionally expressed formulations of the mythologies of writing, that is, of the metaphors of the book (the book of life, nature, and the world), to rethink the idea of a humanity within its limits.
Table contents:
1. Introduction
2. Reading the Enigmatic Worlds of Futuristic Novels
3. Modalities and Fictional Storyworlds in Futuristic Novels
4. The Idea of the Book and Its Symbolism in Times of Change
5. Regaining Humanity by Learning from Escapes and Detours
6. Encounters with Bodies and Narratives: A Matrix of Contemporary Philosophical Quests
7. Conclusion
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