Martin Harbusch Troubled Persons Industries The Expansion Of Psychiatric Categories Beyond Psychiatry Palgrave Macmillan 2022 – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783030837440,9783030837457,3030837440,3030837459
Product detail:
- ISBN 10: 3030837459
- ISBN 13: 9783030837457
- Author: Palgrave Macmillan
This book critiques the use of psychiatric labelling and psychiatric narratives in everyday areas of institutional and social life across the globe. It engages an interpretive sociology, emphasising the medial and individual everyday practices of medicalisation, and their role in establishing and diffusing conceptions of mental (ab)normality. The reconstruction of psychiatric narratives is currently taking place in multiple contexts, many of which are no longer strictly psychiatric. On the one hand, psychiatric narratives now pervade contemporary public discourses and institutions though advertising, news and internet sites. On the other hand, professionals like social workers, teachers, counsellors, disability advisors, lawyers, nurses and/or health insurance staff dealing with psychiatric narratives are becoming servants of the psychiatric discourse within “troubled person’s industries”. Abstract academic categories get turned into concrete aggrieved victims of these categorisations and academic formulas turned into individual narratives. To receive support it seems, one must be labelled. The practice-oriented micro-sociological field with which this volume is concerned has only recently begun to integrate itself into public and academic debates regarding medicalisation and the social role of psychiatry. Discussions on the evolution and expansion of official diagnoses within academia, and society in general, frequently overlook the individualised roles of psychiatric diagnoses and the experiences of those involved and affected by these processes, an oversight which this volume seeks to both highlight and address.
Table of contents:
- 1. Introduction: Are We All Mad Here? The Normalization of “Trouble” in Everyday Life
- 2. Psychiatrisation of School Children: Secondary School Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices on Mental Health and Illness
- 3. Governing Emotions in School
- 4. The ADHD Industry: The Psychiatrisation of the School System in Its Labour Market Context
- 5. Confronting Neoliberalism’s Campus Culture and the Era of “Poor Me”
- 6. Psychiatric Expansion and the Rise of Workplace Mental Health Initiatives
- 7. Orthorexia Nervosa: The Medicalization of Extreme Healthy Eating Practices
- 8. The Psychiatric Surveillance of Pregnancy and Early Parenting
- 9. Unpacking the Labelling Process: Framing Responsibility in Sex Addiction
- 10. Carceral Psychiatry
- 11. Cannabis Use and Mental Health: Paradoxes of Medicalization
- 12. Mental Health Categories and the Construction of Cultural Identities in the United States and New Zealand
- 13. Conclusion