The Life and Times of Samuel Prideaux Tregelles: A Forgotten Scholar 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783030322656,9783030322663,3030322653,3030322661
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 3030322661
- ISBN-13: 9783030322663
- Author: Timothy C. F. Stunt
This book sheds light on the career of Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, and in doing so touches on numerous aspects of nineteenth-century British and European religious history. Several recent scholars have celebrated the 200th anniversary of the German textual critic Tischendorf but Tregelles, his contemporary English rival, has been neglected, despite his achievements being comparable. In addition to his decisive contribution to Biblical textual scholarship, this study of Tregelles’ career sheds light on developments among Quakers in the period, and Tregelles’s enthusiastic involvement with the early nineteenth-century Welsh literary renaissance usefully supplements recent studies on Iolo Morganwg. The early career of Tregelles also gives valuable fresh detail to the origins of the Plymouth Brethren, (in both England and Italy) the study of whose early history has become more extensive over the last twenty years. The whole of Tregelles’s career therefore illuminates neglected aspectsof Victorian religious life.
Table contents:
1. A Falmouth Childhood
2. A Welsh Interlude
3. A Significant Change
4. Brethren in Plymouth and Wales
5. Textual Criticism and Its Importance for SPT: A Necessary Digression
6. Roman Frustrations and European Research
7. An Embarrassed Advocate of Brethren in Italy
8. Tregelles and Roman Catholicism
9. Tregelles and Scripture
10. Tregelles and Tischendorf
11. Recognition, Controversy and Crisis (1850–1861)
12. The Later Years
13. A Muted Finale
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