Ethnography A Theoretically Oriented Practice 1st Edition by Vincenzo Matera, Angela Biscaldi – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9783030517205, 3030517209
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:3030517209
• ISBN 13:9783030517205
• Author:Vincenzo Matera, Angela Biscaldi
A Theoretically Oriented Practice
This volume presents both a historical exploration of ethnography and a thematic discussion of major trends that, over different periods, have oriented and re-oriented research practice. As it overviews ethnography from different geographic and thematic perspectives, it further explores new lines of ethnographic research, including as feminist ethnography and visual research, that uncover non-traditional routes to anthropological knowledge. As the great ethnographer E. E. Evans-Pritchard wrote, “Anyone who is not a complete idiot can do fieldwork… but will [his contribution] be to theoretical, or just to factual knowledge?” As Evans-Pritchard highlights and as this book argues, successful ethnography must be connected to a sophisticated theoretical reflection rooted in social and cultural anthropology.
Ethnography A Theoretically Oriented Practice 1st Table of contents:
Front Matter
1. Ethnography: A Theoretically Oriented Practice Introduction
Part I. Grounds for Sociocultural Anthropology: USA, UK, FR, IT
2. Ethnography Before Ethnography: Genesis and Developments of Fieldwork in North America
3. Before and After Science: Radcliffe-Brown, British Social Anthropology, and the Relationship Between Field Research, Ethnography, and Theory
4. “Ethnography in France”: Ethnographic Practices and Theories in Marcel Griaule Between the Empirical and Rhetorical
5. The Structural Formula of the Team: Reflections on Ernesto de Martino’s Ethnographic Method
Part II. Anthropology (Theory) vs Ethnography (Fieldwork)
6. Illusion of Immediate Knowledge or Spiritual Exercise? The Dialogic Exchange and Pierre Bourdieu’s Ethnography
7. The Bridge and the Dance: Situational Analysis in Anthropology
8. Politics Within Anthropology
9. Stumbling Blocks: The Irruption of the Interpretive Approach in Twentieth-Century Anthropology
Part III. Visual, Dialogical, Sensorial, Multi-sited Ethnography
10. The Anthropologist’s Eye: Ethnography, Visual Practices, Images
11. Dennis and Barbara Tedlock: The Dialogic Turn in Anthropology
12. Ethnography and Embodiment
13. Exploring Mobility Through Mobility: Some of the Methodological Challenges of Multi-sited Ethnography in the Study of Migration
Part IV. Deconstructions
14. Participant Observation: The Personal Commitment in Native Life—A Problematic Methodological Topos
15. The Weberian Line of Anthropology: George Marcus from Writing Culture to Design
16. Making the Invisible Ethnography Visible: The Peculiar Relationship Between Italian Anthropology and Feminism
17. Beyond the Field: Ethnography, Theory, and Writing in Anthropology
Back Matter
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A Theoretically Oriented,Oriented Practice,Vincenzo Matera, Angela Biscaldi