Zero Distance: Management in the Quantum Age – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9789811678516,9811678510
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 9811678510
- ISBN-13 : 978-9811678516
- Author(s):
This open access book offers a new management meta-theory to replace Taylorism. It presents a new paradigm in management thinking and a new, practical organizational model for implementing it in our personal and working lives, in our companies, in our communities and nations, and in a sustainable global order. It will offer an understanding of why and how “thinking-as-usual” is failing both business and political leaders in these new times, and it will advocate new thinking and new management practices that are so radically new that they turn everything we have taken for granted inside out and upside down. This new management model is called “Quantum Management Theory”, because it is rooted in the new paradigm bequeathed to us by quantum physics and its younger sibling, complexity science.
Table contents:
Part I: The Building Blocks.-
Chap. 1: From the Newtonian Age to the Quantum Age.-
Chap. 2: Defining Elements of Quantum Systems.-
Chap. 3: What Is Quantum Management?.-
Chap. 4: Implementing Quantum Management: RenDanHeyi Business Model.-
Chap. 5: The Tao of Quantum Management.-
Part II: The Quantum Person/Employee.-
Chap. 6: I Am the Universe.-
Chap. 7: I Am a Particle & a Wave.-
Chap. 8: I Am a Multitude.-
Chap. 9: I Make the World.-
Chap.10: The Motivations That Drive Me.-
Part III: The Quantum Leader.-
Chap. 11: A Leader of Leaders.-
Chap. 12: Twelve Principles of Quantum Leadership.-
Chap. 13: Thinking Principles & Skills of the Quantum Leader.-
Part IV: The Quantum Organization.-
Chap. 14: What Makes A Quantum Organization?.-
Chap. 15: Haier: A Maker’s Culture.-
Chap. 16: Roche India: A Purpose Driven Culture.-
Chap. 17: GE Appliances: An American Catalyst.-
Chap. 18: Other Companies Featuring Quantum Management Principles.-
Chap.19: US Army Special Operations Task Force: RenDanHeyi for the Military.-
Part V: The Quantum Society.- Chap. 20: What Is a Quantum Society?.-
Chap. 21: Governing a Quantum Society: Two Great Experiments.-
Chap. 22: A Quantum Global Order.-
Conclusion: The Quantum World View.
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