Exploring the Selfie 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783319579481,9783319579498,3319579487,3319579495
Product detail:
- ISBN 10: 3319579487
- ISBN 13: 9783319579481
- Author:
This volume explores the selfie not only as a specific photographic practice that is deeply rooted in digital culture, but also how it is understood in relation to other media of self-portrayal. Unlike the public debate about the dangers of ‘selfie-narcissism’, this anthology discusses what the practice of taking and sharing selfies can tell us about media culture today: can the selfie be critiqued as an image or rather as a social practice? What are the technological conditions of this form of vernacular photography? By gathering articles from the fields of media studies; art history; cultural studies; visual studies; philosophy; sociology and ethnography, this book provides a media archaeological perspective that highlights the relevance of the selfie as a stereotypical as well as creative practice of dealing with ourselves in relation to technology.
Table of contents:
- The Selfie as Image and Practice Approaching Digital SelfPhotography
- The Selfie in Media Theory and History
- The Displayed Self The Selfie as Aesthetic Object and Networked Image
- The Self on Display Technology and Dispositif of the Selfie
- Displaying the Self Social Political and Creative Interventions
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