Latinxs, the Bible, and Migration 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783319966946,9783319966953,3319966944,3319966952
Product detail:
- ISBN-10 : 3319966944
- ISBN-13 : 978-3319966946
- Author:
This book examines the conjunction between migration and biblical texts with a focus on Latinx histories and experiences. Essays reflect upon Latinxs, the Bible, and migration in different ways: some consider how the Bible is used in the midst of, or in response to, Latinx experiences and histories of migration; some use Latinx histories and experiences of migration to examine Biblical texts in both First and Second Testaments; some consider the “Bible” as a phenomenological set of texts that respond to and/or compel migration. Cultural, literary, and postcolonial theories inform the analysis, as does the exploration of how migrant groups themselves scripturalize their biblical and cultural texts.
Table of contents:
- The Bible as Homing Device Among Cubans at Claremonts Calvary Chapel
- Gendering Immigration in the Pentateuchs Legal Codes A Reading from a Latina Perspective
- Channeling the Biblical Exile as an Art Task for Central American Refugee Children on the TexasMexico Borde
- Out of Egypt I Called My Son Migration as a Male Activity in the New Testament Gospels
- The Flight to Egypt Toward a Protestant Mariology in Migration
- Whence Migration? Babel Pentecost and Biblical Imagination
- Islands Borders and Migration Reading Paul in Light of the Crisis in Puerto Rico
- Border Crossing into the Promised Land The Eschatological Migration of Gods People in Reve
- Reading OurSelves in Migration A Response