A Handbook for Wellbeing Policy-Making: History, Theory, Measurement, Implementation, and Examples 1st edition by Paul Frijters, Christian Krekel – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192650556, 9780192650559
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192650556
ISBN-13 : 9780192650559
Author : Paul Frijters, Christian Krekel
This is an open access title. It is available to read and download as a free PDF version on the Oxford Academic platform. It is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International licence. Around the world, governments are starting to directly measure the subjective wellbeing of their citizens and to use it for policy evaluation and appraisal. What would happen if a country were to move from using GDP to using subjective wellbeing as the primary metric for measuring economic and societal progress? Would policy priorities change? Would we continue to care about economic growth? What role would different government institutions play in such a scenario? And, most importantly, how could this be implemented in daily practice, for example in policy evaluations and appraisals of government analysts, or in political agenda-setting at the top level? This volume provides answers to these questions from a conceptual to technical level, by showing how direct measures of subjective wellbeing can be used for policy evaluation and appraisal, either complementary in the short-run or even entirely in the long-run. It gives a brief history of the idea that governments should care about the happiness of their citizens, provides theories, makes suggestions for direct measurement, derives technical standards and makes suggestions on how to conduct wellbeing cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses, and gives examples of how real-world policy evaluations and appraisals would change if they were based on subjective wellbeing. In doing so, it serves the growing interest of governments as well as non-governmental and international organisations in how to put subjective wellbeing metrics into policy practice.
A Handbook for Wellbeing Policy-Making: History, Theory, Measurement, Implementation, and Examples 1st Table of contents:
1. The Case for Wellbeing as the Goal of Government and Constraints on Policy-making
Quo Vadis? The Basic Idea
A Brief History
How Wellbeing Could Fit into Policy Evaluations and Appraisals
The Realities of Policy-making and the Use of Wellbeing Information
Conclusion and the Way Ahead
2. Wellbeing Measurement and Policy Design—Measures, Key Findings, and Wellbeing Frameworks
Direct Measurement of Wellbeing
Influences of Survey Design on Wellbeing Measures
Stylized Facts on Wellbeing
Key Lessons on Wellbeing
Estimates of Key Wellbeing Effects
Example: The Long-run Wellbeing Benefits of More Money—What We Now Know from a Swedish Lottery
General Wellbeing Lessons for Policy: Theory, Evidence, and Implications
What We Do Not Yet Know or Are on the Fence about
An Economic Framework and Some Applications
A Taxonomy of Government Expenditures
Conclusion and the Way Ahead
3. Wellbeing Policy Evaluation and Appraisal: Data, Methods, Literature, Rules of Thumb, and Technical Standards
A Non-formal Introduction to Wellbeing CEA
Wellbeing CEA Methodology
Wellbeing CEA Examples
Datasets on Wellbeing
Conversion between Different Scales and Indicators of Wellbeing
Conclusion and the Way Ahead
Appendix A: Data—General Overview
Appendix B: Data—Technical Details
Appendix C: Data—Download Links and Sample Studies
Appendix D: Conversion between Different Scales and Indicators of Wellbeing
Appendix E: Headline Cost-effectiveness Graph and Justification of the Elements
4. Wellbeing Cost-effectiveness Analysis and Existing Approaches
A Reminder of Wellbeing Cost-effectiveness Analysis
Existing CBA
Money and Wellbeing
Reflections: Why Do These Numbers Differ So Much?
On the Difference in Rationality Assumptions between Traditional Cost-benefit and Wellbeing Cost-effectiveness Analysis
Business Cases and the Value of Wellbeing
Cost-effectiveness Analysis versus Social-Rate-of-Return Analysis
Multi-criterion Analysis
Wellbeing Frameworks around the World
Conclusion and the Way Ahead
Appendix: The Monetary Value of Wellbeing in Mathematical Notation
5. Applying Wellbeing Insights to Existing Policy Evaluations and Appraisals
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A Handbook,Wellbeing,Policy Making,History,Measurement Implementation,Examples,Paul Frijters,Christian Krekel