Absence and Nothing: the philosophy of what there is nothing 1st edition by Stephen Mumford – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192567284, 9780192567284
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ISBN-10 : 0192567284
ISBN-13 : 9780192567284
Author: Stephen Mumford
Nothing is not. Yet it seems that we invoke absences and nothings often in our philosophical explanations. Negative metaphysics is on the rise. It has been claimed that absences can be causes, there are negative properties, absences can be perceived, there are negative facts, and that we can refer to and speak about nothing. Parmenides long ago ruled against such things. Here we consider how much of Parmenides’ view can survive. A soft Parmenidean methodology is adopted in which we aim to reject all supposed negative entities but are prepared to accept them, reluctantly, if they are indispensable and irreducible in our best theories. We then see whether there are any negative entities this survive this test. Some can be dismissed on metaphysical grounds but other problems are explained only once we reject another strand in Parmenides and show how we can think and talk about nothing. Accounts of perception of absence, empty reference, and denial are gathered. With these, we can show how no truthmakers are required for negative truths since we can have negative beliefs, concerning what-is-not, without what-is-not being part of what is. This supports a soft ontological Parmenideanism, which accepts much though not all of Parmenides’ original position.
Absence and Nothing: the philosophy of what there is nothing 1st Table of contents:
1. Soft Parmenideanism
1.1 Nothing really matters
1.2 The first argument
1.3 Soft ontological Parmenideanism
1.4 Soft methodological Parmenideanism
1.5 Is the cat out of the bag?
1.6 The way forward
2. Negative Properties
2.1 What would be a negative property?
2.2 Arguments against negative properties
2.3 For negative properties
2.4 Summation and further work
3. Nonentities
3.1 Negative particulars
3.2 Non-beings
3.3 Limits, boundaries, edges, and stops
3.4 Privations
3.5 Omissions
3.6 Negatives norms
3.7 Negative epistemic states
3.8 Logical and mathematical negatives
4. Causation by Absence
4.1 Negative causation
4.2 More cases
4.3 Creation ex nihilo
4.4 Why causation by absence spells trouble
4.5 Attempts to stop escalation
4.6 Other ways of explaining causation by absence
4.7 Explanation but not causal explanation
4.8 Summary of conclusions
5. Mere Possibilities
5.1 Possible queues ahead
5.2 Reification
5.3 Fictionalism
5.4 Grounding possibility in what there is
5.5 Parmenidean possibility
7. Perception of Absence
7.1 Seeing what is not there
7.2 Our subject matter
7.3 Perceptual theories
7.4 Cognitive theories
7.5 A Dennettian account
7.6 Where this leaves us
8. Empty Reference
8.1 Can we talk about nothing?
8.2 The axiom of existence
8.3 Proxy referents
8.4 Aboutness
8.5 Fictionalism
8.6 Pretence
8.7 Reference failure
8.8 Aboutness again
9. Negative Truth
9.1 The hippo not in the room
9.2 Molnar’s problematic
9.3 Solutions proper?
9.4 Attempted solutions that reject at least one of (Mi)–(Miv)
9.5 A more recent solution
9.6 Impasse?
10. Negation and Denial
10.1 Partial success?
10.2 The equivalence thesis
10.3 The separate functions of assertion and denial
10.4 What are you denying?
10.5 Can you deny a denial?
10.6 Logic and complex denials
10.7 Internal and external negations
10.8 Conclusion
11. Negative Belief
11.1 The final reckoning
11.2 Inventories of being and non-being
11.3 How to believe that something is not
11.4 Types of negative belief
11.5 Ontological Parmenideanism
11.6 Final words
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