Achievements and Legacy of the Obama Presidency Hope and Change 1st edition by Palgrave Macmillan – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9783030895297, 3030895297
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:3030895297
• ISBN 13:9783030895297
• Author:Palgrave Macmillan
Achievements and Legacy of the Obama Presidency
“Hope and Change?”
This book provides a broad analysis of the legacy of the Obama presidency, representing multiple perspectives across the partisan and disciplinary divides. The chapters in this book are grouped into three major legacy categories: domestic policy, foreign policy, and rhetoric. Domestically, the contributors examine the “Obama coalition” and its staying power in the age of Trump, President Obama’s legacy regarding the use of executive power, his impact on intergovernmental relations, and his impact on the welfare state and education. On the foreign policy front, the central focus is on whether Obama was in fact much different from his predecessor, what impact he had on the Middle East and Afghanistan, and whether his pivot to Asia yielded the hoped-for results. The contributions in this book also aim to (re-)assess the Obama legacy in light of the subsequent efforts by his successor to undo many of the policies embraced and implemented during the Obama years.
Achievements and Legacy of the Obama Presidency Hope and Change 1st Table of contents:
Part I. Domestic Policy and the Legacy of the Obama Presidency
2. Almost, Maybe, Kinda, Transformational: Barack Obama
3. Barack Obama, Intergovernmental Relations, and Economic Policy: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, and Something Blue
4. Obama’s Education Policy: Is the Price of the Ticket a Moral Thicket?
5. How Obama Made Unilateralism Safe for His Successors
Part II. The Rhetorical Legacy of the Obama Presidency
6. Obligations to Act: The Rhetorical Legacy of the Rescues of the Domestic Auto Industry
7. A Lighthouse and a Crossroads: The Rhetorical Strategy of President Barack Obama
Part III. Foreign Policy and the Legacy of the Obama Presidency
8. From the Audacity of Hope to “Small Ball”: How Obama’s Retrenchment and Caution Contributed to Trump’s Rise
9. President Barack obama’s Counterterrorism Strategy in Afghanistan: Transformational and/or Transactional
10. The Perils of Retrenchment: Barack Obama’s Middle East Policies
11. Containment, Engagement, and Continuity: China and the Evolution of obama’s Foreign Policy Toward the Asia–Pacific
Part IV. Conclusion
12. Obama’s Uncertain Legacy
Back Matter
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Achievements,Legacy of the Obama,Palgrave Macmillan