Advances in Food Rheology and Its Applications Development in Food Rheology 2nd Edition by Jasim Ahmed – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780128239841, 0128239840
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Product details:
• ISBN 10: 0128239840
• ISBN 13:9780128239841
• Author:Jasim Ahmed
Advances in Food Rheology and Its Applications
Development in Food Rheology
Advances in Food Rheology and Its Applications: Development in Food Rheology, Second Edition presents the latest advances in the measurement and application of food rheology, one of the most important tools for food companies when characterizing ingredients and final products, and a predictor of product performance and consumer acceptance.
This second edition provides coverage of new rheological measurement techniques, including ultrasonic measurements of rheological properties of food and NMR approach, and precision in data handling, including coverage of mathematical modeling of rheological properties.
As the range of food products has also broadened as a result of consumer demands and preference, this second edition includes a series of new chapters on dairy and plant-based foods. The amalgamation between food texture and sensory attributes will also be addressed. In addition, coverage of the correlation between rheological behavior and modeling of the fluid in a human stomach and food digestion will be assessed. A special focus has given on rheology of gel systems, including, food hydrogels, bigel and organogels.
Written for food scientists, food technologists, sensory scientists, and others working in academia and industry, Advances in Food Rheology and Its Applications: Development in Food Rheology, Second Edition will be a welcomed and updated reference.
Considers the impact of artificial intelligence and machine vision on rheological characterization and process control
Presents ultrasonic measurements of rheological properties of food and NMR approach, and precision in data handling
Covers thermodynamic approach of rheology and interfacial rheology
Explains various gel systems rheology, including bogels and organogo gels
Advances in Food Rheology and Its Applications Development in Food Rheology 2nd Table of contents:
Food rheology: Scientific development and importance to the food industry
1 Rheology and food
2 Innovations in rheological measurements of food
3 About the book
Part I: Advances in Food Rheology
Chapter 1. Interfacial rheology of food: protein as a model food
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Interfacial rheology: basic concepts and characterization techniques
1.3 Proteins at food interfaces
1.4 Interfacial rheological analysis
1.5 Vegetable proteins: the new trend in the food industry
1.6 Foams and emulsions in food: the role of the proteins
1.7 Conclusions
Chapter 2. Rheology and food microstructure
2.1 Solution rheology
2.2 Oscillatory shear rheology
2.3 The cascade approach in gelation theory
2.4 Low-solid mixed systems
2.5 High-solid systems
2.6 High-pressure effects on globular protein systems
Chapter 3. Dynamics of thixotropic liquids and time dependency
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Rheological models of thixotropic fluids
3.3 Identifying the parameters for a selected model of thixotropic behavior
3.4 Examples of real thixotropic fluids
3.5 Applications of rheological models of thixotropic behavior for solving selected engineering tasks
3.6 Future trends in thixotropic fluid modeling
3.7 Conclusions
Chapter 4. Rheology to tribology: applications of tribology in studying food oral processing and texture perception
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Tribometer—principle, operation, measurement of lubrication properties and different types
4.3 Sensory perception and tribology
4.4 Conclusions
Chapter 5. Large amplitude oscillatory shear measurement and Fourier-transform rheology: application to food
5.1 Introduction
5.2 LAOS methods and data analysis
5.3 Applications
5.4 Summary
5.5 Conclusions
Chapter 6. Extensional rheology in food processing
6.1 Introduction and basic concept
Chapter 7. Applications of rheological data in the food industry
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Pressure drop in pipe flow
7.3 Heat transfer calculations
7.4 Computational fluid dynamics
7.5 Yield stress measurement
7.6 Future trends
7.7 Conclusions
Chapter 8. Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning to food rheology
8.1 The need for modeling
8.2 Artificial intelligence and machine learning
8.3 Machine learning problem workflow
8.4 Deep learning problem solving workflow
8.5 Applications
8.6 Non-Newtonian fluids
8.7 Semisolid and solid foods
8.8 Stress relation
8.9 Conclusions
Chapter 9. Time-temperature superposition principles: applicability in food and biopolymer rheology
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Time-temperature superposition for TTSP
9.3 TTSP for viscoelastic materials
9.4 Elastic modulus and relaxation modulus superposition
9.5 Superposition and the Williams-Landell-Ferry equation
9.6 Time-temperature-stress superposition principle
9.7 Constructing TTSP master curve for dynamic moduli
9.8 Other TTSP approaches for oscillatory rheology
9.9 TTSP for creep behavior
9.10 Constructing of master curve based on the Williams–Landel–Ferry equation
9.11 Failures of the TTS curves
9.12 Applications
9.13 Conclusions
Chapter 10. Influence of dietary fibers and particle size distribution on food rheology
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Origin of the fibers in the preparation of a paste
10.3 Composition of the fibers in soluble and insoluble part
10.4 Rheological measurements
10.5 Important properties of the fiber for its rheological behavior in suspensions
10.6 Influence of valve homogenization and shearing on the rheological properties of fiber suspensions
10.7 Concluding remarks
Part II: Product Specific Studies in Rheology
Chapter 11. Rheology, microstructure, and functionality of cheese
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Rheology of cheese
11.3 Cheese microstructure
11.4 Cheese functionality
Chapter 12. Rheology and microstructure of yogurt
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Yogurt
12.3 Tribology of yogurt
12.4 Microstructure of yogurt
12.5 Influence of nonthermal treatment on yogurt rheology
12.6 Conclusions
Chapter 13. Food gels: Gelling process and new applications
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Gel types and gelation mechanisms
13.3 Rheological characterization of gels
13.4 Rheological behaviors of different gums
Chapter 14. Influence of sugar substitutes in rheology of fruit gel
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Food gels
14.3 Fruit gels
14.4 Fruit gel rheology
14.5 Effect of sugar substitution in fruit gel rheology
14.6 Molecular fingerprint and rheological attributes of fruit gels manufactured with low-calorie sweeteners
14.7 Conclusions
Chapter 15. Rheology and texture of basil seed gum: a new hydrocolloid source
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Basil (Ocimum)
15.3 Basil seed mucilage
15.4 Future trends
Chapter 16. Creep–recovery and oscillatory rheology of flour-based systems
16.1 Elastic, viscous, and viscoelastic behavior
16.2 Linear viscoelastic tests
16.3 Creep–recovery and oscillatory rheological measurement of flour-based systems
16.4 Conclusions
Chapter 17. Rheological properties of gluten-free bread doughs and their modification: improve bread quality
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Gluten flour dough versus gluten-free flour doughs
17.3 Rheological tests on gluten-free doughs
17.4 Effect of dough hydration on dough rheology and bread quality
17.5 Effect of fiber addition on gluten-free doughs rheology
17.6 Effect of protein enrichment
17.7 Effect of hydrothermal treatments assisted by microwave radiation of gluten-free flours and starches
17.8 Conclusions
Chapter 18. Rheology and rheological measurements of starch
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Rheological measurements of starch
18.3 Conclusions
Chapter 19. Nonlinear viscoelastic rheology of wheat dough
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Theoretical background
19.3 Using classical constitutive models to describe dough rheology
19.4 Conclusions
Chapter 20. Rheology of gelatin and advances in rheological measurements
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Structure and amino acid composition
20.3 Melting and glass transition temperature
20.4 Gel point
20.5 Bloom value
20.6 Viscosity
20.7 Gelation mechanism
20.8 Rheological behavior of gelatin gel
20.9 Factors affecting the gelatin rheology
20.10 Advances in gelatin measurement techniques
20.11 Conclusions
Chapter 21. Emulsion rheology
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Major factors affecting the rheology of emulsions
21.3 Case studies on nanoemulsion and pickering emulsions
21.4 Future trends
Chapter 22. Rheology of food hydrogels, and organogels
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Rheological characterization
22.3 Textural characterization
22.4 Concluding remarks
Chapter 23. Rheology of food bigel system
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Preparation methods of bigels
23.3 Characterization of bigels
23.4 Industrial uses and food applications: future perspectives
23.5 Conclusions
Chapter 24. Advances in yield stress measurements for chocolate
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Chocolate: ingredients and manufacturing process
24.3 Rheological behavior of chocolate type dispersions: yield stress
24.4 Rheological models
24.5 Effect of formulation and processing on chocolate yield stress
24.6 Conclusions
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Advances in Food,Rheology and Its,Jasim Ahmed