Advances in Steam Turbines for Modern Power Plants 2nd Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780128243596,0128243597,9780323915519, 0323915515
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0323915515
- ISBN-13 : 9780323915519
- Author: Tadashi Tanuma
Advances in Steam Turbines for Modern Power Plants, second edition, provides a fully revised and updated comprehensive review of steam turbine design, optimization, analysis and measurement. Editor Tadashi Tanuma and his team of expert contributors from around the globe have updated each chapter to reflect the latest research and experiences in the field, to help progress thermal power generation to meet sustainability goals. This book presents modern technologies for the design and development of steam turbines that supply affordable, reliable and stable power with much lower CO2 emissions.
With the addition of two new chapters on ‘Steam turbine mechanical design and analysis for high temperature, large and rapid change of temperature conditions’ and ‘Steam valves with low pressure losses’ this edition will support students, researchers and professional engineers in designing and developing their own economical and environmentally concerned thermal power plants.
Table contents:
1. Introduction to steam turbines for power plants
2. Steam turbine cycles and cycle design optimization: the Rankine cycle, thermal power cycles, and integrated gasification-combined cycle power plants
3. Steam turbine cycles and cycle design optimization: advanced ultra-supercritical thermal power plants and nuclear power plants
4. Steam turbine cycles and cycle design optimization: combined cycle power plants
5. Steam turbine life cycle cost evaluations and comparison with other power systems
6. Design and analysis for aerodynamic efficiency enhancement of steam turbines
7. Mechanical design and vibration analysis of steam turbine blades
8. Steam turbine rotor design and rotor dynamics analysis
9. Steam turbine design for load-following capability and highly efficient partial operation
10. Analysis and design of wet-steam stages
11. Solid particle erosion analysis and protection design for steam turbines
12. Steam turbine monitoring technology, validation, and verification tests for power plants
13. Development in materials for ultra-supercritical and advanced ultra-supercritical steam turbines
14. Development of last-stage long blades for steam turbines
15. Sealing designs and analyses for steam turbines
16. Advanced technologies for steam turbine bearings
17. Steam valves and turbine inlet flow path design
18. Advanced steam turbine technologies and countermeasures to neutralize the rapid load changes due to the increasing power plants using renewable energy
19. Manufacturing technologies for key steam turbine components
20. Steam turbine retrofitting for the life extension of power plants
21. Steam turbine retrofits for power increase and efficiency enhancement
22. Advanced geothermal steam turbines
23. Steam turbines for solar thermal and other renewable energies
24. Advanced ultrasupercritical pressure steam turbines and their combination with carbon capture and storage systems
25. Steam turbine roles and necessary technologies for stabilization of the electricity grid in the renewable energy era
26. Conclusions
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