All Is Well: Catastrophe and the Making of the Normal State 1st edition by Saptarishi Bandopadhyay – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0197579205, 9780197579206
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0197579205
ISBN-13 : 9780197579206
Author: Saptarishi Bandopadhyay
Disasters are all around us. In everyday parlance, disasters are understood as exceptional occurrences that destroy human life, property, and resources. For centuries, people have looked to political authorities for protection from disasters and for relief in the aftermath. Yet, the COVID-19 pandemic and an endless torrent of storms, floods, and forest fires have shown that modern states and intergovernmental institutions frequently fail this burden. Worse, world leaders routinely ignore evidence that accelerated climate change is an already-rolling planetary catastrophe. So, what is a “disaster”? Who determines when and why a disaster has occurred or ceased? And what is the relationship between such occurrences and modern states who promise to “manage” them? In All Is Well, Saptarishi Bandopadhyay argues that there is no such thing as a “disaster” outside of rituals of legal, administrative, and scientific contestation through which such occurrences are morally distinguished from the rhythms of everyday life. Disasters, Bandopadhyay asserts, are artifacts of “normal” rule. They result from the same, mundane strategies of knowledge-making and violence by which authorities, experts, and lay people struggle to develop state-like power, to define and defend the social order. Challenging traditional narratives, All Is Well looks at “disaster management” as a historical process that produces both catastrophes and political authorities.
All Is Well: Catastrophe and the Making of the Normal State 1st Table of contents:
1. In the Shadow of Leviathans Seen and Unseen
2. Corner Pieces
3. Marseille 1720: Administrative Catharsis as Disaster Management
4. Portugal 1755: Empire of Accident
5. Bengal 1770: Famine, Corruption, and the Climate of Legal Despotism
6. Risk Thinking and the Enduring Structure of Vicissitudes
7. The Past-Imperfect Future
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