An Agnostic Defends God: How Science and Philosophy Support Agnosticism 1st edition Bryan Frances – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783030733308,9783030733315,3030733300,3030733319
Product details:
- ISBN 10:3030733319
- ISBN 13: 9783030733315
- Author: Bryan Frances
This book contains a unique perspective: that of a scientifically and philosophically educated agnostic who thinks there is impressive—if maddeningly hidden—evidence for the existence of God. Science and philosophy may have revealed the poverty of the familiar sources of evidence, but they generate their own partial defense of theism. Bryan Frances, a philosopher with a graduate degree in physics, judges the standard evidence for God’s existence to be awful. And yet, like many others with similar scientific and philosophical backgrounds, he argues that the usual reasons for atheism, such as the existence of suffering and success of science, are weak. In this book you will learn why so many people with scientific and philosophical credentials are agnostics (rather than atheists) despite judging all the usual evidence for theism to be fatally flawed.
Table contents:
1. Introduction: A Peculiar Defense of God
Part I
2. Rational Belief in God
3. Irrational Belief in God
Part II
4. The Design of Life and the Laws of Nature
5. The Origin of the Universe
Part III
6. The Problem of Suffering
7. Intractable Religious Disagreement
8. Why Advanced Science and Philosophy Support Humility
Part IV. The Case for Agnosticism
9. The Experience Argument for God
10. Two Troubles with Agnosticism
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