(Ebook PDF) An Invitation to Computational Homotopy 1st Edition by Graham Ellis-Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery:9780192569417, 0192569414
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Product details:
ISBN 10:0192569414
ISBN 13:9780192569417
Author: Graham Ellis
Table of Contents:
- 1 Path Components and the Fundamental Group
- 1.1 Regular CW-spaces
- 1.2 Simplicial, Cubical and Permutahedral Complexes
- 1.3 Path Components and Persistence
- 1.3.1 Mapper Clustering
- 1.4 Simple Homotopy
- 1.5 Non-regular CW-spaces
- 1.6 The Fundamental Group
- 1.6.1 Seifert–van Kampen Theorem for Groupoids
- 1.6.2 The Wirtinger Presentation
- 1.7 Computing with fp Groups
- 1.8 Computing with fp Quandles
- 1.9 Covering Spaces
- 1.9.1 A Remark on Flat Manifolds
- 1.10 Cayley Graphs and Presentations
- 1.11 Exercises
- 2 Cellular Homology
- 2.1 Chain Complexes and Euler Integrals
- 2.2 Euler Characteristics and Group Presentations
- 2.3 Chain Maps and Homotopies
- 2.4 Homology over Fields
- 2.5 Homotopical Data Fitting
- 2.6 Homology over Principal Ideal Domains
- 2.7 Excision
- 2.8 Cohomology Rings
- 2.8.1 van Kampen Diagrams and Cup Products
- 2.9 Exercises
- 3 Cohomology of Groups
- 3.1 Basic Definitions and Examples
- 3.2 Small Finite Groups
- 3.3 Operations on Resolutions
- 3.3.1 Perturbed Actions
- 3.4 The Transfer Map
- 3.5 Finite p-groups
- 3.5.1 Modular Isomorphism Problem
- 3.6 Lie Algebras
- 3.7 Group Cohomology Rings
- 3.8 Spectral Sequences
- 3.9 A Test for Cohomology Ring Completion
- 3.9.1 Computing Kernels of Derivations
- 3.10 Cohomology Operations
- 3.10.1 Stiefel–Whitney Classes
- 3.11 Bredon Homology
- 3.12 Coxeter Groups
- 3.13 Exercises
- 4 Cohomological Group Theory
- 4.1 Standard Cocycles
- 4.2 Classification of Group Extensions
- 4.3 Coefficient Modules
- 4.4 Crossed Modules
- 4.5 A Five Term Exact Sequence
- 4.6 The Nonabelian Tensor Product
- 4.7 Crossed and relative group extensions
- 4.8 More on Relative Homology
- 4.9 Exercises
- 5 Cohomology of Homotopy 2-types
- 5.1 Outline
- 5.2 The Fundamental Crossed Module
- 5.2.1 Maps from a Surface to the Projective Plane
- 5.3 Finite Crossed Modules
- Construction of Quasi-isomorphic Representatives
- Enumeration of Isomorphism Classes
- Establishing Distinct Weak Equivalence Classes
- 5.4 Simplicial Objects
- 5.5 The Homological Perturbation Lemma
- 5.6 Homology of Simplicial Groups
- 5.7 Exercises
- 6 Explicit Classifying Spaces
- 6.1 Review of Constructions
- Finite Groups
- Groups with Subnormal Series
- Crystallographic Groups
- Finite Index Subgroups
- 6.2 Aspherical Groups
- 6.3 Graphs of Groups
- 6.3.1 One-relator Groups
- 6.3.2 The Group SL2(Z[1/m])
- 6.4 Triangle groups
- 6.4.1 Cyclic Central Extensions of Triangle Groups
- 6.4.2 Poincaré’s Theorem
- 6.4.3 Generalized Triangle Groups
- 6.5 Non-positive Curvature
- 6.6 Coxeter Groups Revisited
- 6.7 Artin Groups
- 6.7.1 Some Cohomology Rings
- 6.8 Arithmetic Groups
- 6.9 Exercises
- Appendix
- A.1 Primer on Topology
- A.2 Primer on Category Theory
- A.3 Primer on Finitely Presented Groups and Groupoids
- A.4 Homology Software
- A.5 Software for Group Cohomology
- A.6 Parallel Computation
- A.7 Installing HAP and Related Software
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Graham Ellis,Invitation,Computational Homotopy