Arduino and Raspberry Pi Sensor Projects for the Evil Genius 1st Edition by Robert Chin – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 1260010902, 9781260010909
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 1260010902
ISBN-13 : 9781260010909
Author: Robert Chin
Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Fiendishly Clever Sensor Projects for Your Arduino and Raspberry Pi Learn to quickly build your own electronic gadgets that monitor, measure, and react to the real world—with no prior experience required! This easy-to-follow guide covers the programming and electronics essentials needed to build fun and educational sensor-based projects with both Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Arduino and Raspberry Pi Sensor Projects for the Evil Genius features step-by-step DIY projects that use inexpensive, readily available parts. You will discover how to use touch, temperature, moisture, light, sound, and motion sensors—even sensors that detect the presence of a human! Start-to-finish Arduino and Raspberry Pi projects include: • “Simon Says” game • Rotary encoder that controls an RGB LED • Reed switch door buzzer alarm • Fire alarm • Sound detector • Light clapper • Glass break alarm • Infrared motion detector • Distance sensor intruder alarm • Collision alarm • TFT color display screen • Door entry alarm with SD card logging • And many more
Arduino and Raspberry Pi Sensor Projects for the Evil Genius 1st Table of contents:
1 Introducing the Arduino and Raspberry Pi
What Is an Arduino?
Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno Specifications
Arduino Uno Components
Arduino Development System Requirements
Arduino IDE Software
Hands-on Example: A Simple Arduino “Hello World” Program with a LED
Playing Around with the Code
What Is Raspberry Pi?
Raspberry Pi 3 Hardware Overview
Raspberry Pi System Setup
Python IDLE Development Environment
Hands-on Example: A Simple Raspberry Pi “Hello World” Program with a LED
2 Arduino and Raspberry Pi Programming Language Basics
Overview of the C/C++ Language for the Arduino
Object-Oriented Programming
Overview of Python for Raspberry Pi
Python Functions
Python Modules
Python Class Overview
Python Class Inheritance
3 Basic Electrical Components
Electronics Basics
Piezo Buzzer
Push Buttons
Hands-on Example: Arduino Serial Monitor and LED Indicator
Hands-on Example: Arduino RGB LED
Hands-on Example: Arduino LED Buzzer Siren
Hands-on Example: Arduino Random RGB LED Colors Using a Potentiometer
Hands-on Example: Arduino RGB Light Switch
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi LED Blinker Counter
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi LED Fading
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi RGB LED Color Selector
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi LED Fading Up and Down Using a Button
4 Touch Sensor Projects
Analog Joystick
Hands-on Example: Arduino Joystick Test
Hands-on Example: Arduino “Simon Says” Game
Running the Program
Rotary Encoder Controller (KY-040)
Hands-on Example: Arduino Rotary Encoder Test
Hands-on Example: Arduino Rotary Encoder Controlling an RGB LED
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi Rotary Encoder Test
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi Rotary Encoder LED Blinker
5 Environmental Sensor Projects I
Reed Switch Magnetic Field Sensor
Hands-on Example: Arduino Reed Switch Test
Hands-on Example: Arduino Door Buzzer Alarm
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi Reed Switch Test
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi Reed Switch Door Alarm
TMP36 Temperature Sensor
Hands-on Example: Arduino TMP36 Temperature Sensor Test
Flame Sensor
Hands-on Example: Arduino Flame Sensor Test
Hands-on Example: Arduino Fire Alarm
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi Flame Sensor Test
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi Fire Alarm
Infrared Proximity/Collision Sensor
Hands-on Example: Arduino Infrared Proximity/Collision Detector
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi Infrared Collision/Proximity Sensor Alarm
Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT11)
Hands-on Example: Arduino DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Test
6 Environmental Sensor Projects II
Water Detector/Soil Moisture Sensor
Hands-on Example: Arduino Water Detector Alarm
Hands-on Example: Arduino Soil Moisture Detector
Light Detector (Photo Resistor)
Hands-on Example: Arduino Rooster Alarm
Sound Detector
Hands-on Example: Arduino Light Clapper
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi “Out of Breath” Game
7 Human Sensor Projects
Hands-on Example: Arduino Glass Break Alarm
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi Glass Break Alarm
HC-SR501 Infrared Motion Detector
Hands-on Example: Arduino Infrared Motion Detector Alarm
Hands-on Example: Raspberry Pi Infrared Motion Detection Alarm
HC-SR04 Distance Sensor
Hands-on Example: Arduino HC-SR04 Distance Sensor Intruder Alarm
Hands-on Example: Arduino Collision Alarm
8 Arduino TFT LCD Display and Image Sensor Projects
Arduino TFT LCD Color Display Screen with SD Card Reader/Writer
Hands-on Example: Arduino TFT Display and SD Card Reader/Writer Test
Hands-on Example: Arduino TFT Display Door Entry Alarm with SD Card Logging
Arduino Cameras
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Arduino,Raspberry Pi,Sensor Projects,the Evil Genius,Robert Chin