Asian Atmospheric Pollution Sources, Characteristics and Impacts 1st edition by Ramesh Sing – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9780128166949, 0128166940
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:0128166940
• ISBN 13:9780128166949
• Author:Ramesh Sing
Asian Atmospheric Pollution
Sources, Characteristics and Impacts
Asian Atmospheric Pollution: Sources, Characteristics and Impacts provides a concise yet comprehensive treatment of all aspects of pollution and air quality monitoring, across all of Asia. It focuses on key regions of the world and details a variety of sources, their transport mechanism, long term variability and impacts on climate at local and regional scales. It also discusses the feedback on pollutants, on different meteorological parameters like radiative forcing, fog formations, precipitation, cloud characteristics and more. Drawing upon the expertise of multiple well-known authors from different countries to underline some of these key issues, it includes sections dedicated to treatment of pollutant sources, studying of pollutants and trace gases using satellite/station based observations and models, transport mechanisms, seasonal and inter-annual variability and impact on climate, health and biosphere in general.
Asian Atmospheric Pollution: Sources, Characteristics and Impacts is a useful resource for scientists and students to understand the sources and dynamics of atmospheric pollution as well as their transport from one continent to other continents, helping the atmospheric modelling community to model different scenarios of the pollution, gauge its short term and long term impacts across regional to global scales and better understand the ramifications of episodic events.
Covers all of Asia in detail in terms of pollution
Focuses not only on local pollution, but on long-term transport of these pollutants and their impacts on other regions as well as the globe
Includes discussion of both particulate matter and greenhouse gases
Serves as a single resource on Asian air pollution and Impacts from the most current research across the globe including the US, Asia, Africa and Europe
Asian Atmospheric Pollution Sources, Characteristics and Impacts 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Sources of atmospheric pollution in India
1: Introduction
2: Brick kilns
3: Coal-based thermal power plants
4: IOC fire of October 29, 2009
5: Forest fires in the Himalayan region
6: Air pollution associated with civil aviation
7: Crop residue burning
8: Dust as source for air pollution
9: Diwali festival
10: Pollution associated with cyclones
11: COVID-19 and air quality
12: Conclusion
Chapter 2: Air pollution: Facts, causes, and impacts
1: Introduction
2: Sources of air pollution
3: Impacts of air pollution
4: Discussion and conclusion
Chapter 3: Atmospheric chemistry in Asia: Need of integrated approach
1: Introduction
2: Air pollution in Asia
3: Global issues of atmospheric chemistry
4: Atmospheric chemistry issues in Asia
5: Conclusion
Chapter 4: Atmospheric aerosols from open burning in South and Southeast Asia
1: Introduction
2: Open burning: Classes and spatial distribution
3: Properties of aerosols from open burning
4: Impacts of aerosols from open burning
5: Open burning aerosols: Measurements
6: Challenges and way forward
Chapter 5: Role of meteorology in atmospheric aerosols and air pollution over South Asia
1: Introduction
2: Particulate pollution and atmospheric aerosols
3: PM2.5 and air quality index
4: Role of meteorology
5: Seasonal variability of aerosol loading
6: The intra-seasonal response of aerosol loading to the meteorological variability
7: Conclusion
Chapter 6: Role of carbonaceous aerosols in Asian pollution
1: Introduction
2: Carbonaceous aerosol over Asia: An emission perspective
3: Measurement of carbonaceous aerosol over Asia: Composition and seasonal variability
4: Carbonaceous aerosols over high-altitude sites in Himalayas and Glaciers
5: Sources of carbonaceous aerosols
6: Role of aerosols and mechanism for fog-haze formation
7: Conclusion
Chapter 7: Atmospheric pollution and solar ultraviolet radiation in Asia
1: Introduction
2: Aerosol and UV radiation flux in Asia
3: Trends in aerosol optical depth and UV flux over Asia
4: Implications of decreasing UVB trends and vitamin D
5: Aerosol optical depth, UVB radiation, and vitamin D association in India
6: Conclusion
Chapter 8: Distribution of reactive trace gases over South Asia: Observations and modeling
1: Introduction
2: Methodology
3: Distribution of trace gases
4: Observations of trace gases
5: Modeling studies
6: Impact assessment
7: Future perspectives
Chapter 9: Response of plants to atmospheric air pollution: An Asian perspective
1: Introduction
2: Method
3: The response of trees to air pollution
4: The response of crop plants to air pollution
5: Response of lower plants and biodiversity to air pollution
6: Emerging pollutants and role of vegetation
7: Conclusion
Chapter 10: Air quality in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries
1: Introduction
2: Climatic conditions
3: Dust storms
4: Effect of dust deposition on Gulf Cooperation Council marine life
5: Major environmental events in Gulf Cooperation Council
6: Air quality in major Gulf Cooperation Council cities
7: Aerosol characteristics in Gulf Cooperation Council countries
8: Particulate morphology at Gulf Cooperation Council
9: Improvement of air quality associated with COVID-19 lockdown
10: Conclusion
Chapter 11: Satellite observations of ammonia over South Asia
1: Introduction
2: Satellite monitoring of ammonia
3: Sources of ammonia
4: Spatiotemporal variations of ammonia
5: Conclusion
Chapter 12: Air quality management in India using satellite data
1: Introduction
2: Aerosol optical depth as a proxy for air quality
3: PM2.5 exposure modeling
4: Health impact assessment in India using satellite-derived ambient PM2.5 exposure
5: Air quality management
6: New frontiers of aerosol remote sensing
7: Conclusion
Chapter 13: Impact of emissions from coal-based thermal power plants on surrounding vegetation and air quality over Bokaro Thermal Power Plant
1: Introduction
2: Details of TPP site and environment
3: Results and discussion
4: Conclusion
Chapter 14: Ground and satellite measurements of tropospheric nitrogen oxides (NO2) over India
1: Introduction
2: NO2 measurement techniques used in India
3: Satellite measurements
4: Ground-based measurements
5: Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on ambient NO2 over India
6: Conclusion
Chapter 15: Ozone and aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau
1: Introduction
2: Surface ozone and aerosols on the Tibetan Plateau
3: Total column ozone low over the Tibetan Plateau
4: Vertical transport over the Tibetan Plateau
5: Tropopause aerosol layer over the Tibetan Plateau
6: Conclusion
Chapter 16: Vertical profiles of trace gases in the troposphere over South Asia
1: Introduction
2: Vertical profile measurements of trace gases
3: Characteristics of ozone vertical profile
4: Characteristics of CO vertical profile
5: Impact of long-range transport and biomass burning
6: Impact of convection
7: Comparison with model simulations
8: Conclusion
Chapter 17: Surface ozone in Indian urban region
1: Introduction
2: Surface ozone over Delhi
3: Impacts of surface ozone
4: Conclusion
Chapter 18: Biomass burning emission and impacts on air pollution in China
1: Introduction
2: Biomass burning status in China
3: Emission characteristic of pollutants gases and aerosols from biomass burning
4: Emission inventory of biomass burning in China
5: Impacts of biomass burning on air quality
6: Impacts of biomass burning on human health
7: Impacts of biomass burning on climate
8: Solutions for agricultural straw burning in China
9: Conclusion
Chapter 19: Tropospheric ozone concentration over Pakistan
1: Introduction
2: Tropospheric ozone
3: Tropospheric ozone in Pakistan
4: Long-term variability of tropospheric ozone
5: Conclusion
Chapter 20: Characteristics of atmospheric pollutants over the northeastern region of India
1: Introduction
2: Details of prevailing meteorology and data used
3: Results and discussion
Chapter 21: Emission of black carbon and other particulate matter from transportation sector
1: Introduction
2: Material and method
3: Results and discussion
4: Conclusions
Chapter 22: Characteristics and sources of atmospheric particulate matter and health risk in Southwest China
1: Introduction
2: Analytical Techniques
3: Case study: Characteristics, sources, and health risk assessment of trace elements in PM10/PM2.5 in a megacity, Southwest China
4: Conclusion
Chapter 23: Sources of lead (Pb) in atmosphere over Indian cities and health impacts
1: Introduction
2: History of Pb poisoning
3: Pb isotope as source tracers
4: Health effects of Pb
5: Summary
Chapter 24: Sources of poor air quality and long-term variability over Kolkata
1: Introduction
2: Study area and the long-term meteorological features
3: Methodology
4: Results and discussion
5: Conclusion
Chapter 25: Long-range global transport and characterization of dust
1: Introduction
2: Evolution of dust, transport, and deposition
3: Atmospheric dust deposition and biogeochemistry of the ocean
4: Chemical characterization of atmospheric mineral dust
5: Isotopic characterization of atmospheric dust
6: Mineral dust over western India: A case study
7: Conclusion
Chapter 26: The optical and microwave characteristics of dust storms over the Indo-Gangetic Plains
1: Introduction
2: Dust storms over the IGP
3: Aerosols characteristics of dust storm
4: Impact of dust particles on surrounding environment
5: Conclusion
Chapter 27: Effect of cyclones on atmospheric and meteorological parameters
1: Introduction
2: Data used
3: Results and discussion
4: Conclusion
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Asian Atmospheric,Characteristics and Impacts,Ramesh Sing