Aspiration: the agency of becoming 1st edition by Agnes Callard – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0190639504, 9780190639501
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ISBN-10 : 0190639504
ISBN-13 : 9780190639501
Author : Agnes Callard
Becoming someone is a learning process; and what we learn is the new values around which, if we succeed, our lives will come to turn. Agents transform themselves in the process of, for example, becoming parents, embarking on careers, or acquiring a passion for music or politics. How can such activity be rational, if the reason for engaging in the relevant pursuit is only available to the person one will become? How is it psychologically possible to feel the attraction of a form of concern that is not yet one’s own? How can the work done to arrive at the finish line be ascribed to one who doesn’t (really) know what one is doing, or why one is doing it? In Aspiration, Agnes Callard asserts that these questions belong to the theory of aspiration. Aspirants are motivated by proleptic reasons, acknowledged defective versions of the reasons they expect to eventually grasp. The psychology of such a transformation is marked by intrinsic conflict between their old point of view on value and the one they are trying to acquire. They cannot adjudicate this conflict by deliberating or choosing or deciding-rather, they resolve it by working to see the world in a new way. This work has a teleological structure: by modeling oneself on the person he or she is trying to be, the aspirant brings that person into being. Because it is open to us to engage in an activity of self-creation, we are responsible for having become the kinds of people we are.
Aspiration: the agency of becoming 1st Table of contents:
I. Overview: Reasoning toward Value
(a) How We Got Here
(b) Valuing and Aspiring
II. Outline of Chapters
(a) Rationality
(b) Moral Psychology
(c) Responsibility
III. A Case Study: Alcibiades
IV. Self and Value
Part I Practical Rationality
1. Decision Theory and Transformative Choice
I. Ullmann-Margalit on Old Person versus New Person
II. Paul on Deciding to Become a Vampire
III. Self-Cultivation versus Self-Transformation
IV. Privileging Second-Order Preferences?
V. The Decision Model versus the Aspiration Model
VI. Transformative Choice?
2. Proleptic Reasons
I. Large-Scale Transformative Pursuits
II. Alternatives to Proleptic Reasons?
(a) Vague Reasons
(b) Self-Management Reasons
(c) Testimonial Reasons
(d) Reasons of Competition
(e) Reasons of Pretense
(f) Second-Order Reasons
(g) Approximating Reasons
III. A Dilemma: Flailing versus Deepening
IV. Internal Reasons
Part II Moral Psychology
3. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Conflict
I. Introduction
(a) Singling Aspiration Out, Fitting Aspiration In
(b) Overview of Chapter 3
(c) Defining Intrinsic Conflict
II. Valuing: A Hybrid Account
III. The Possibility of Intrinsic Conflict
IV. Deliberative Irresolvability
V. Intrinsic Conflict and Ethical Theory
VI. Two Suggestions for Resolving Intrinsic Conflicts
(a) By Identification (Frankfurt)
(b) By Aspiration
4. Akrasia
I. Defining Akrasia
II. Acting on a Weaker Reason?
III. Akrasia and Intrinsic Conflict
IV. An Objection: Moralizing Akrasia
V. Species of Intrinsic Conflict
VI. Akratics and Aspirants
Part III Moral Responsibility
5. The Problem of Self-Creation
I. Self-Endorsement
II. Self-Cultivation
III. Neurath’s Boat
IV. Escaping Strawson’s Dilemma
(a) Normative Dependence
(b) Priority of Created Self
(c) Strawson’s Two Requirements
(d) Self-Creation by Aspiration
(e) An Objection: The Value Gambit
V. Teleology and Agency
(a) Backward Causation?
(b) Two Conceptions of Agency
(c) Aspirational Agency versus Self-Standing Action
6. Self-Creation and Responsibility
I. Aspiration versus Dialectical Activity
II. Aspiration versus Ambition
III. Responsibility for Self: An Asymmetrical Account
IV. The Aspiring Gangster?
V. Responsibility for Character: A Test Case
I. Defending Aspiration
II. Motherhood and Infertility
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