Before the Bible: The Liturgical Body and the Formation of Scriptures in Early Judaism 1st Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780190212216,0190212217, 9780190873509, 0190873507
Product details:
- ISBN-10: 0190873507
- ISBN-13: 9780190873509,
- Author: Judith H. Newman
Before the Bible reveals the landscape of scripture in an era prior to the crystallization of the rabbinic Bible and the canonization of the Christian Bible. Most accounts of the formation of the Hebrew Bible trace the origins of scripture through source critical excavation of the archaeological “tel” of the Bible or the analysis of the scribal hand on manuscripts in text-critical work, but the discoveries in the Dead Sea Scrolls have transformed our understanding of scripture formation. Judith Newman focuses not on the putative origins and closure of the Bible, but on the reasons why scriptures remained open, with pluriform growth in the Hellenistic-Roman period.Drawing on new methods from cognitive neuroscience and the social sciences as well as traditional philological and literary analysis, Before the Bible argues that the key to understanding the formation of scripture is the widespread practice of individual and communal prayer in early Judaism. The figure of the teacher as a learned and pious sage capable of interpreting and embodying the tradition is central to understanding this revelatory phenomenon. The book considers the entwinement of prayer and scriptural formation in five books reflecting the diversity of early Judaism: Ben Sira, Daniel, Jeremiah/Baruch, Second Corinthians, and the Qumran Hodayot (Thanksgiving Hymns). While not a complete taxonomy of scripture formation, the book illuminates performative dynamics that have been largely ignored as well as the generative role of interpretive tradition in accounts of how the Bible came to be.
Table contents:
1. Shaping the Scribal Self Through Prayer and Paideia: The Example of Ben Sira
2. Confessing in Exile: The Reception and Composition of Jeremiah in (Daniel) and Baruch
3. The Eucharistic Body of Paul and the Ritualization of 2 Corinthians
4. The Hodayot and the Formative Process of Performing Scripture
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