Bicycling for Transportation: An Evidence-Base for Communities – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780128126431,0128126434,9780128126431,0128126434
Product details:
- ISBN 10: 0128126434
- ISBN 13: 9780128126431
- Author: Melissa Bopp, Dangaia Sims, Daniel Piatkowski
Bicycling for Transportation examines the individual and societal factors of active transportation and biking behavior. The book uses an Interdisciplinary approach to provide a comprehensive overview of bicycling for transportation research. It examines the variability in biking participation among different demographic groups and the multiple levels of influence on biking to better inform researchers and practitioners on the effective use of community resources, programming and policymaking. It is an ideal resource for public health professionals trying to encourage physical activity through biking. In addition, it makes the case for new infrastructure that supports these initiatives.
Table contents:
Chapter 1: The Bicycle: A Technological and Social History
Technological History of the Bicycle
Social History of the Bicycle
The Bicycle and Quality Roads in the United States
The Bicycle and Women’s Rights
The Bicycle and the Auto Age
International Case Studies: The Bicycle in the 20th Century
The Bicycle in the United States After World War II
Bicycling in the United States Today
Chapter 2: Benefits and Risks of Bicycling
Health and Fitness Benefits of Physical Activity and Exercise
Social Benefits of Biking
Environmental Benefits
Economic Benefits
Chapter 3: Measuring Bicycling Within the Community
Placing Counters
Short Term
National Surveillance
Targeted Surveys
Chapter 4: Why We Bike and Why We Don’t
A Framework for Understanding Biking
Personal Influences
Social and Cultural Factors
Environmental Influences
Special Populations
Chapter 5: Institutional Strategies for Promoting Biking
Workplace Influences on Bicycle Commuting
Campaigns to Promote Bicycle Commuting
Policies and Legislation
Travel Plans
Campaigns and Interventions
Safe Routes to School Initiatives
Safety-Oriented Programs
Bicycle Skill-Building Programs and Encouragement Programs
Influences on Travel to Universities
Influences on Travel to Universities for Students
Influences on Travel to Universities for Employees
Promoting Bicycling at Universities
Chapter 6: Community-Level Strategies for Promoting Bicycling
Open Streets & Ciclovias
Educational or Promotional Campaigns
Bicycle Advocacy Groups/Coalitions
Bike Share Programs
End of Trip Facilities
Public Transportation Support
Chapter 7: If We Build It, Will They Come? Environmental Approaches to Bicycle Promotion
The Evidence Base for Environmental Approaches
Macro-scale: Interventions at the Neighborhood and Community Level
Potential Challenges and Unintended Consequences
Chapter 8: Policy and Law Approaches to Bicycling
Local and State Laws
Traffic Laws for Bicyclists
Traffic Laws for Motorists that Affect Cyclists
Bike Plans
Complete Streets
Safe Routes to Schools
Chapter 9: Changing Biking Behavior: An Application of the Evidence
Working Within a Framework
A Framework for Application
Chapter 10: Bringing it all Together: Bicycling Around the World
Promoting Cycling in Cities of Different Sizes
The Five E’s
A Broad Perspective on Bicycle Friendliness
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