Biostatistics and Computer-based Analysis of Health Data using R 1st Edition by Christophe Lalanne, Mounir Mesbah – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 008101175X, 9780081011751
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 008101175X
ISBN-13 : 9780081011751
Author : Christophe Lalanne, Mounir Mesbah
Biostatistics and Computer-Based Analysis of Health Data Using the R Software addresses the concept that many of the actions performed by statistical software comes back to the handling, manipulation, or even transformation of digital data.
It is therefore of primary importance to understand how statistical data is displayed and how it can be exploited by software such as R. In this book, the authors explore basic and variable commands, sample comparisons, analysis of variance, epidemiological studies, and censored data.
Biostatistics and Computer-based Analysis of Health Data using R 1st Table of contents:
1: Elements of the Language
1.1 Before proceeding
1.2 Data representation in R
1.3 Selection of observations
1.4 Representation and processing of missing values
1.5 Importing and storing data
1.6 Multidimensional data management
1.7 Key points
1.8 Going further
1.9 Applications
2: Descriptive Statistics and Estimation
2.1 Summarizing a numerical variable
2.2 Summarizing a categorical variable
2.3 Graphically representing the distribution of a variable
2.4 Interval estimation for a mean or a proportion
2.5 Key points
2.6 Applications
3: Measures and Tests of Association Between Two Variables
3.1 Bivariate descriptive statistics
3.2 Comparisons of two group means
3.3 Comparisons of proportions
3.4 Risk and odds ratio measures
3.5 Non-parametric approaches and exact tests
3.6 Key points
3.7 Going further
3.8 Applications
4: Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design
4.1 Data representation and descriptive statistics
4.2 One-way ANOVA
4.3 Non-parametric one-way ANOVA
4.4 Two-way ANOVA
4.5 Key points
4.6 Applications
5: Correlation and Linear Regression
5.1 Descriptive statistics
5.2 Simple linear regression
5.3 Multiple linear regression
5.4 Key points
5.5 Going further
5.6 Applications
6: Measures of Association in Epidemiology and Logistic Regression
6.1 Contingency tables and measures of association
6.2 Diagnostic studies
6.3 Logistic regression
6.4 ROC curve
6.5 Key points
6.6 Applications
7: Survival Data Analysis
7.1 Data representation and descriptive statistics
7.2 Survival function and Kaplan-Meier curve
7.3 Cox regression
7.4 Key points
7.5 Going further
7.6 Applications
Appendix 1: Introduction to RStudio
A1.1 Getting started
A1.2 Writing R scripts
A1.3 Management of the R session
Appendix 2: Graphs with the Lattice Package
A2.1 Why the lattice package?
A2.2 Principal types of graphics
A2.3 General options for the customization of charts
A2.4 Specific options
A2.5 Graphical composition
A2.6 Going further
Appendix 3: The Hmisc and rms Packages
A3.1 The Hmisc essential commands
A3.2 Descriptive statistics
A3.3 The essential rms commands
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Biostatistics,Computer based,Analysis,Health Data,Christophe Lalanne,Mounir Mesbah