Business, Government and Economic Institutions in China 1st Edition Xiaoke Zhang 3319644866 9783319644868 – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN:
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 3319644866
ISBN-13 : 9783319644868
Author : Xiaoke Zhang
This book brings together conceptual and empirical analyses of the causes and consequences of changing business–government relations in China since the 1990s, against the backdrop of the country’s increased integration with the global political economy. More specifically, it provides an interdisciplinary account of how the dominant patterns of interactions between state actors, firms and business organizations have changed across regions and industries, and how the changing varieties of these patterns have interacted with the evolution of key market institutions in China. The contributors to this edited volume posit that business–government relations comprise a key linchpin that defines the Chinese political economy and calibrates the character of its constitutive institutional arrangements.
Business, Government and Economic Institutions in China 1st Table of contents:
1. Understanding Business–Government Relations in China: Changes, Causes and Consequences
2. State–Business Relations in China’s Changing Economic Order
2. Changes and Variations in Business–Government Relations
3. The Evolution of Government–MNC Relations in China: The Case of the Automotive Sector
4. Regional Business Associations in China: Changes and Continuities
5. Trapped into Collusion: The Under-Institutionalized Taxation System and Local Business–State Relations in China
6. Chinese Private Entrepreneurs’ Formal Political Connections: Industrial and Geographical Distribution
7. International Context and China’s Business–Government Relations
3. Institutional Consequences of Changing Business–Government Relations
8. Business–Government Relations and Corporate Governance Reforms
9. The Changing Business–State Relations in China: The View from Socialist Corporatism
10. State Structures, Business–State Relations, and Multinational Corporate Behaviours: A Case Study of Chinese Multinational Oil Companies
11. Business–State Interactions and Technology Development Regimes: A Comparative Analysis of Two Metropolises
12. Conclusions and Reflections
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Business,Government,Economic Institutions,Xiaoke Zhang