Carbon quantum dots CQDs modified TiO2 nanorods photoelectrode for enhanced photocathodic protection of Q235 carbon steel 1st edition by Min Feng, Ying Liu, Sainan Zhang, Yupeng Liu, Ning Luo, Daoai Wang – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery
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• Author:Min Feng, Ying Liu, Sainan Zhang, Yupeng Liu, Ning Luo, Daoai Wang
A new photoanode of Al2O3 anchored carbon quantum dots/TiO2 nanorods (Al/C/TNRs) was constructed for efficient photocathodic protection of Q235 carbon steel (CS) by hydrothermal treatment and ALD process. The Al/C/TNRs photoanode achieved a photocurrent density of 2.28 mA/cm2 under simulated sunlight (AM 1.5 G), and could maintain for 7 days nearly without decay. Potential of Q235 CS was negatively shifted by 620 mV after coupling with Al/C/TNRs in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution, and could maintain more than 7 h. The high and stable photoelectrochemical performances of Al/C/TNRs indicate potential photocathodic protection for Q235 CS in marine environment.
Carbon quantum dots CQDs modified TiO2 nanorods photoelectrode for enhanced photocathodic protection of Q235 carbon steel 1st Table of contents:
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Carbon quantum dots,modified TiO2 nanorods,Min Feng, Ying Liu, Sainan Zhang, Yupeng Liu, Ning Luo, Daoai Wang