Chance, Merit, and Economic Inequality: Rethinking Distributive Justice and the Principle of Desert – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9783030211257,9783030211264,3030211258,3030211266
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 3030211258
- ISBN-13 : 978-3030211257
- Author(s):
This book develops a novel approach to distributive justice by building a theory based on a concept of desert. As a work of applied political theory, it presents a simple but powerful theoretical argument and a detailed proposal to eliminate unmerited inequality, poverty, and economic immobility, speaking to the underlying moral principles of both progressives who already support egalitarian measures and also conservatives who have previously rejected egalitarianism on the grounds of individual freedom, personal responsibility, hard work, or economic efficiency. By using an agnostic, flexible, data-driven approach to isolate luck and ultimately measure desert, this proposal makes equal opportunity initiatives both more accurate and effective as it adapts to a changing economy. It grants to each individual the freedom to genuinely choose their place in the distribution. It provides two policy variations that are perfectly economically efficient, and two others that are conditionally so. It straightforwardly aligns outcomes with widely shared, fundamental moral intuitions. Lastly, it demonstrates much of the above by modeling four policy variations using 40 years of survey data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics.
Table contents:
1. Introduction
Part I. Just Principles
2. The Die Is Cast: Chance, Merit, and Inequality
3. Autonomy and Desert
Part II. Just States of Affairs
4. Equal Opportunity and Just Deserts: Better Late than Before
5. Efficiency and Just Deserts: Economists’ Big Trade-Off
6. Liberty and Just Deserts: Slaves, Dynasties, and Moral Agents
Part III. Just Public Policies
7. Economy and Desert
8. Measure for Merit
9. The Individual Moral Agent
10. The Natural Lottery Alone
11. Just Deserts
12. Just Deserts Outcomes and Aggregate Analysis
13. The Just Deserts Economy
14. Conclusion
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