Cicero: Political Philosophy (Founders of Modern Political and Social Thought) 1st edition by Malcolm Schofield – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192637916, 9780192637918
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192637916
ISBN-13 : 97801926379189
Author: Malcolm Schofield
This book offers an innovative analytic account of Cicero’s treatment of key political ideas: liberty and equality, government, law, cosmopolitanism and imperialism, republican virtues, and ethical decision-making in politics. Cicero (106-43 BC) is well known as a major player in the turbulent politics of the last three decades of the Roman Republic. But he was a political thinker, too, influential for many centuries in the Western intellectual and cultural tradition. His theoretical writings stand as the first surviving attempt to articulate a philosophical rationale for republicanism. They were not written in isolation either from the stances he took in his political actions and political oratory of the period, or from his discussions of immediate political issues or questions of character or behaviour in his voluminous correspondence with friends and acquaintances. In this book, Malcolm Schofield situates the intimate interrelationships between Cicero’s writings in all these modes within the historical context of a fracturing Roman political order. It exhibits the continuing attractions of Cicero’s scheme of republican values, as well as some of its limitations as a response to the crisis that was engulfing Rome.
Cicero: Political Philosophy (Founders of Modern Political and Social Thought) 1st Table of contents:
1. Introduction: Contexts
1. Cicero in the Western tradition
2. A brief life
3. Rehabilitation
4. Writing political philosophy
5. Prospect
2. Liberty, Equality, and Popular Sovereignty
1. Libertas in Roman political discourse
2. Senate and people
3. Liberty and equality
4. Equality and liberty in On the commonwealth
5. Popular sovereignty
3. Government
1. On the commonwealth
2. The consensus of justice
3. Kingship, aristocracy, popular rule: their drawbacks
4. Consilium and political stability
5. History and theory
6. Crisis and leadership
7. On laws
8. Conclusion
4. Cosmopolitanism, Imperialism, and the Idea of Law
1. Cosmopolitanism
2. Cicero’s conception of law
3. The law code
4. Laws ‘for all good and stable nations’
5. Justice and imperialism
6. Conclusion
5. Republican Virtues
1. Civic virtue
2. Roman virtues
3. Justice
4. Magnitudo animi
5. Verecundia
6. The republican citizen
6. Republican Decision-making
1. Citizen decision
2. Principles, rules, and the casuistry of exceptions
3. Civil war
4. Tyranny
5. Friendship
6. Tyrannicide
7. Epilogue: Philosophical Debate and Normative Theory
1. Introduction
2. Silencing debate
3. Full-throttled debate
4. Final thoughts
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