Climate Change Adaptation for Transportation Systems: Adapting for Climate Change and Extreme Weather Impacts 1st Edition by Michael A.P. Taylor – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0128166479, 9780128166475
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0128166479
ISBN-13 : 9780128166475
Author: Michael Taylor
Climate Change Adaptation for Transportation Systems examines the international state of knowledge on climate change and weather and their potential impacts on the planning, design and serviceability of transportation networks. The book describes alternative frameworks for adapting to climate change in the planning, provision and management of transportation systems. It discusses methods and models for including climate and weather factors in planning and design for use in transportation asset systems under risk and uncertainty. Giving specific attention to road, rail, ports and harbors, the book provides users with the tools they need in decision-making approaches where there is uncertainty.
Climate Change Adaptation for Transportation Systems: Adapting for Climate Change and Extreme Weather Impacts 1st Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction
What is climate change adaptation?
Critical infrastructure
Transportation and society
Risk and uncertainty
Adaptation planning principles
Structure of the book
Chapter 2. Climate change basics
Climate change
Human activity and contribution to climate change
Extreme weather events
Sea level rise
Climate trends
Representative Concentration Pathways
Chapter 3. Transportation infrastructure
Infrastructure networks and systems
Road traffic systems
Public transport systems
Airports, ports and harbours
Generic infrastructure components
Climate and weather impacts
Chapter 4. Adaptation planning
Risk and uncertainty
Vulnerability and resilience
Decision-making for transportation
Adaptation and mitigation
Adaptation frameworks
Adaptation pathways
Climate stressors for transportation infrastructure
Chapter 5. Managing transportation infrastructure and assets
Transportation asset management
Climate and environmental influences
Infrastructure components
Evaluation methods
Appendix A: a primer for Multicriteria Analysis and the Analytic Hierarchy Process
Chapter 6. Coastal issues, including ports and harbours
Sea level rise
Adaptation planning for coastal regions
Storms, surges and flooding
Coastal transportation infrastructure
Chapter 7. Road transportation systems
Roads and pavements
Representing climate
Thornthwaite Moisture Index (TMI)
Pavement degradation model using the Thornthwaite Moisture Index
Case studies
Extreme weather
Chapter 8. Rail transportation systems
Rail system components
Rail infrastructure
Rail operations
Rail maintenance
Climate and weather impacts
Case studies
Chapter 9. Active transport and urban design
Land use–transport integration
Avoid, shift, share, improve
Active transport
Urban design and low carbon mobility
Transportation and weather
Chapter 10. Future directions in research and practice
Infrastructure systems
Risk management and adaptation frameworks
Adaptation for transportation modes
Research and development needs
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Climate Change,Adaptation,Transportation Systems,Extreme Weather,Impacts,Michael Taylor