Cognitive Film and Media Ethics 1st edition by Wyatt Moss-Wellington – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0197552919, 9780197552919
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ISBN-10 : 0197552919
ISBN-13 : 9780197552919
Author: Wyatt Moss-Wellington
Cognitive Film and Media Ethics provides a grounding in the use of cognitive science to address key questions in film, television and screen media ethics. This book extends past works in cognitive media studies to answer normative and ethically prescriptive questions: what could make media morally good or bad, and what, then, are the respective responsibilities of media producers and consumers? Moss-Wellington makes a primary claim that normative propositions are a kind of rigour, in that they force media theorists to draw more active ought conclusions from descriptive is arguments. Cognitive Film and Media Ethics presents the rigours of normative reasoning, cognitive science and consequentialist ethics as complementary, arguing that each seeks progressive elaboration on their own models of causality, and causal projections are crucial for any reflection on our moral responsibilities in the world.
Cognitive Film and Media Ethics 1st Table of contents:
Part I Normative Ethics in Cognitive Media Studies
1. Cognitive Media Ethics: The Story So Far
2. A Humanistic Consequentialism for Film and Media Studies
3. Problems in Cognitive Media Ethics
Part II Applied Cognitive Media Ethics
4. Moral and Cognitive Dissonance in Cinema
5. Benign Violations in the Suburban Ensemble Dramedy
6. The Emotional Politics of Limerence in Romantic Comedy Films
7. TV as Bully
8. Enthymemes Online: Media Pedagogy in an Age of Promotions
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