Complete Spanish Step by Step Premium Edition 2nd Edition by Barbara Bregstein – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 9781260463149, 1260463141
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:1260463141
• ISBN 13:9781260463149
• Author:Barbara Bregstein
Complete Spanish Step-by-Step, Premium Edition
Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Go from beginner’s Spanish to mastery with this single, comprehensive guide! Experts agree: the quickest route to learning a language—from beginner to advanced—is through a solid grounding in grammar and well-crafted exercises that reinforce lessons in vocabulary, essential structures. This premium resource combines two bestsellers, Easy Spanish Step-by-Step and Advanced Spanish Step-by-Step into one easy-to-use guide. Following a series of logically interconnected “steps,” you’ll progress from the basics and essential structures to more advanced concepts that govern how Spanish is spoken and written—including the use of preterit and imperfect tenses, commands, the present and past subjunctive, idiom, and much, much more. Complete Spanish Step-by-Step brings you: • Two bestselling books in one convenient, easy-to-use guide • Unique “building block” approach to mastering essential grammar, verbs, and vocabulary • Tools to help you begin speaking Spanish almost immediately • Audio recordings of answers to 150 exercises via the exclusive McGraw-Hill Language Lab app • Exercises to help test and measure your progress, and more
Complete Spanish Step by Step Premium Edition 2nd Table of contents:
I Elements of a Sentence
1 Nouns, Articles, and Adjectives
The Gender of Nouns and the Definite Article
Singular Nouns
Plural Nouns
The Indefinite Article
Singular Indefinite Articles
Plural Indefinite Articles
Singular Form of Adjectives
Plural Form of Adjectives
2 Estar, Ser, and Subject Pronouns
Subject Pronouns
Estar (to be)
Ser (to be)
Reading Comprehension La casa
3 Hay, Interrogative Words, Days, and Months
Interrogative Words
Days of the Week, Months, and Seasons
Reading Comprehension Un pueblo colonial
Reading Comprehension El cine
4 Numbers, Dates, and Time
Cardinal Numbers
Ordinal Numbers
The Date
Telling Time
Reading Comprehension El restaurante
Reading Comprehension El oficio de la casa
5 Regular Verbs
Uses of the Present Tense
-Ar Verbs
-Er Verbs
-Ir Verbs
-Ar and -er Verbs with More than One Meaning
Reading Comprehension Una escuela en México
6 Irregular Verbs
-Ar Verbs
-Er Verbs
Sentence Formation
-Ir Verbs
Reading Comprehension El tren
7 Ir and the Future
Ir (to go)
The Future with the Verb ir
Idioms with the Verb tener
Other Idioms
Useful Words: que and para
The Relative Pronoun que
The Conjunction que
The Preposition para
Key Vocabulary
Las partes del cuerpo (Parts of the Body)
La familia
Time Expressions with hacer
Reading Comprehension La cita
8 Adjectives and Adverbs
Possessive Adjectives
Demonstrative Adjectives
Neuter Demonstrative Pronouns
Adjectives of Nationality
Adjectives That Precede a Noun
Comparative Adjectives
Superlative Adjectives
Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives
Comparing Nouns
Comparing Verbs
Adverbs That Do Not Take the Suffix -mente
Reading Comprehension La fiesta
9 Negatives and Prepositions
Prepositions Followed by Verbs or Nouns
Prepositions Followed by Nouns or Pronouns
Pronouns That Follow Prepositions
The Preposition por
Por and para Compared
Reading Comprehension El circo
Key Vocabulary
Reading Comprehension El trabajo
II Objects, Reflexive Verbs, and the Present Subjunctive
10 The Indirect Object
Gustar and the Indirect Object
Me gusta and me gustan
Te gusta and te gustan
Le gusta and le gustan
Nos gusta and nos gustan
Les gusta and les gustan
Verbs Like gustar
The Indirect Object Pronoun
Position of the Indirect Object Pronoun
Reading Comprehension Ir de compras
Reading Comprehension El viaje
11 The Direct Object
The Personal a and the Direct Object
Transitive Verbs
The Direct Object Pronoun
Position of the Direct Object Pronoun
The Direct Object Pronoun as a Person
The Direct Object Pronoun as a Thing
Reading Comprehension La bienvenida
12 Reflexive Verbs
The Reflexive Pronouns
Some Frequently Used Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive Verbs Whose English Translations Do Not Necessarily Include Oneself
Position of the Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive Verbs with Parts of the Body and Clothing
Reflexive Verbs That Express Emotion
Reflexive Verbs That Express Movement
Reflexive Verbs That Express “To Become”
Most Frequently Used Reflexive Verbs
Reflexive Verbs with Reciprocal Meanings
Se and Impersonal Expressions
Reading Comprehension El encuentro
13 The Present Subjunctive
Formation of the Present Subjunctive
-Ar Verbs
-Er and -ir Verbs
Irregular Verbs
Verbs with Orthographic Changes
Uses of the Present Subjunctive
After Certain Impersonal Expressions
After Certain Verbs
After Certain Conjunctions
After cuando
In Certain Dependent Adjective Clauses
After the Expressions por más que and por mucho que
After ojalá
After acaso, quizás, and tal vez
After aunque
After Compounds of -quiera
After como
Reading Comprehension La despedida
III Preterit Tense, Imperfect Tense, and Double Object Pronouns
14 The Preterit Tense
Formation of the Preterit
Regular -ar Verbs
Regular -er and -ir Verbs
Uses of the Preterit
To Express an Action Completed in the Past
To Express a Series of Completed Actions in the Past
To Express a Condition That Is No Longer in Effect
Irregular Verbs
-Ir Verbs with Stem Changes in the Third Person
Verbs with Orthographic Changes
-Ar Verbs
-Er and -ir Verbs
Verbs with Special Meanings in the Preterit
Reading Comprehension En la corte (primera escena)
15 The Imperfect Tense
Formation of the Imperfect
Regular -ar Verbs
Regular -er and -ir Verbs
Irregular Verbs
Uses of the Imperfect
To “Set the Stage” in the Past; to Express a Narration, Situation, or Background
To Express Habitual, Customary, or Repeated Actions in the Past
To Express Continuous Actions in the Past
To Express a Description in the Past
To Express Point of Origin in the Past
To Express Time in the Past
To Express One’s Age in the Past
Preterit and Imperfect Compared
Querer, poder, saber
Double Object Pronouns
Indirect Object Pronoun with Direct Object Pronoun
Reflexive Pronoun with Direct Object Pronoun
Se Plus the Indirect Object Pronoun and Unplanned Occurrences
Reading Comprehension El juicio (segunda escena)
IV Ser and Estar; Present, Preterit, and Imperfect Tenses; Progressive Tenses; Present Subjunctive; Commands
16 Ser and Estar and the Present Tense
Estar (to be)
Ser (to be)
Reading Comprehension Machu Picchu
17 Ser and Estar in the Preterit and Imperfect Tenses
Preterit Tense
Imperfect Tense
Regular Verbs in the Preterit
Irregular Verbs in the Preterit
Regular Verbs in the Imperfect
Irregular Verbs in the Imperfect
Comparison of Preterit and Imperfect
Reading Comprehension Marianela
18 The Present Progressive Tense
Gerund Formation
Formation of the Present Progressive Tense
Use of the Present Progressive Tense
Placement of Object Pronouns
Uses of the Gerund with Verbs Other Than estar
Reading Comprehension La parada del bus
19 The Past Progressive Tenses
The Imperfect Progressive Tense
The Preterit Progressive Tense
Reading Comprehension El hospital
20 The Present Subjunctive
Formation of the Present Subjunctive
Uses of the Present Subjunctive
Other Tenses That Cause the Present Subjunctive
Reading Comprehension El juicio
21 Commands
Affirmative tú Commands
Negative tú Commands
Ud. and Uds. Commands
Other Ways of Asking People to Do Things
Reading Comprehension Perdida en Nicaragua
The nosotros Command: “Let us …”
Affirmative vosotros Commands
Negative vosotros Commands
Reading Comprehension La Noche de Brujas
V Nouns, Articles, Adjectives, Pronouns; Present and Past Perfect Tenses
22 Nouns, Articles, Adjectives, and Pronouns
Nouns and Articles
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
Reading Comprehension Mi viaje
The Neuter lo + Adjective Used as a Noun
Adjectives Used as Nouns
Pronouns Used as Nouns
Pronunciation Practice Los maderos de San Juan
Reading Comprehension Lo fatal
23 The Present Perfect Tense
Formation of the Past Participle
Formation of the Present Perfect Tense
Uses of the Present Perfect Tense
Placement of Object Pronouns with the Present Perfect Tense
Use of the Infinitive haber and the Past Participle
Reading Comprehension El apartamento
24 The Past Perfect Tense
Formation of the Past Perfect Tense
Uses of the Past Perfect Tense
Reading Comprehension El sueño
Reading Comprehension Recordando Nicaragua
The Past Participle as an Adjective
The Past Participle with ser and the Passive Voice
Reading Comprehension El conde Lucanor
VI Future and Conditional Tenses; Past Subjunctive; Idioms
25 The Future Tense
Formation of the Future Tense
Uses of the Future Tense
The Future Progressive Tense
The Future Perfect Tense
Reading Comprehension El porvenir
26 The Conditional Tense
Formation of the Conditional Tense
Uses of the Conditional Tense
The Conditional Progressive Tense
The Conditional Perfect Tense
Reading Comprehension ¿Qué haría Ud. en las siguientes situaciones?
27 The Present Perfect Subjunctive
Formation of the Present Perfect Subjunctive
Uses of the Present Perfect Subjunctive
Reading Comprehension La isla en el Caribe
28 The Imperfect Subjunctive
Formation of the Imperfect Subjunctive
Uses of the Imperfect Subjunctive
Reading Comprehension El barco económico
Reading Comprehension Xochicalco
29 The Past Perfect Subjunctive
Formation of the Past Perfect Subjunctive
Uses of the Past Perfect Subjunctive
Reading Comprehension Su punto de vista
30 Idioms
Idioms with Prepositions
Idioms with Verbs
Time Expressions
Reading Comprehension La defensa de Sócrates
Appendix: List of Verbs
Answer Key
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Complete Spanish,Step By Step,Barbara Bregstein