Concentrating Solar Power Technology : principles, developments and 2nd Edition by Keith Lovegrove, Wes Stein – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 012822472X, 9780128224724
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 012822472X
ISBN-13 : 9780128224724
Author : Keith Lovegrove
This second edition of Concentrating Solar Power Technology edited by Keith Lovegrove and Wes Stein presents a fully updated comprehensive review of the latest technologies and knowledge, from the fundamental science to systems design, development, and applications. Part one introduces the fundamental principles of CSP systems, including site selection and feasibility analysis, alongside socio-economic and environmental assessments. Part two focuses on technologies including linear Fresnel reflector technology, parabolic-trough, central tower, and parabolic dish CSP systems, and concentrating photovoltaic systems. Thermal energy storage, hybridization with fossil fuel power plants, and the long-term market potential of CSP technology are also explored. Part three goes on to discuss optimization, improvements, and applications, such as absorber materials for solar thermal receivers, design optimization through integrated techno-economic modelling, and heliostat size optimization.
Concentrating Solar Power Technology : principles, developments and 2nd Table of contents:
Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction to concentrating solar power technology
1.1: Introduction
1.2: Approaches to concentrating solar power
1.3: Future growth, cost, and value
1.4: Organization of this book
Chapter 2: Fundamental principles of concentrating solar power systems
2.1: Introduction
2.2: Concentrating optics
2.3: Limits on concentration
2.4: Focal region flux distributions
2.5: Losses from receivers
2.6: Energy transport and storage
2.7: Power cycles for CSP systems
2.8: Maximizing system efficiency
2.9: Predicting overall system performance
2.10: Economic analysis
2.11: Conclusion
2.12: Sources of further information and advice
Chapter 3: Solar resources for concentrating solar power systems
3.1: Introduction
3.2: Solar radiation characteristics and assessment of solar resources
3.3: Measuring solar irradiance
3.4: Deriving solar resources from satellite data
3.5: Annual cycle of direct normal irradiance
3.6: Auxiliary meteorological parameters
3.7: Recommendations for solar resource assessment for CSP plants
3.8: Summary and future trends
Chapter 4: Site selection and feasibility analysis for concentrating solar power systems
4.1: Introduction
4.2: Overview of the process of site selection and feasibility analysis
4.3: Main aspects considered during the prefeasibility and feasibility phases
4.4: Boundary conditions for a concentrating solar power project
4.5: Detailed analysis of a qualifying project location
4.6: Summary and future trends
Chapter 5: Socio-economic and environmental assessment of concentrating solar power systems
5.1: Introduction
5.2: Environmental assessment for CSP systems
5.3: Socioeconomic impacts of CSP systems
5.4: Future trends
5.5: Summary and conclusions
Part II: Technology approaches and potential
Chapter 6: Linear Fresnel Collector (LFC) solar thermal technology
6.1: Introduction
6.2: Historical background
6.3: Commercial developments of LFC
6.4: Optics of LFC
6.5: LFC receivers and thermal performance
6.6: Comparison of heat loss and collector efficiency
6.7: Future directions
6.8: Conclusions
Chapter 7: Parabolic-trough concentrating solar power systems
7.1: Introduction
7.2: Historical development
7.3: Commercially available parabolic-trough collectors
7.4: Parabolic-trough collector solar thermal power plants
7.5: Design of parabolic-trough solar systems
7.6: Operation and maintenance of parabolic-trough systems
7.7: Thermal storage systems for parabolic-trough systems
7.8: Future trends
7.9: Conclusions
7.10: Sources of further information
Chapter 8: Central tower concentrating solar power systems
8.1: Introduction
8.2: History of central receivers
8.3: Activities since 2005
8.4: Design and optimization of central receiver systems
8.5: Heliostat factors
8.6: Receiver considerations
8.7: Variants on the basic central receiver system
8.8: Field layout and land use
8.9: Major events since 2012
8.10: Future trends
8.11: Sources of further information and advice
Chapter 9: Parabolic dish concentrating solar power systems
9.1: Introduction
9.2: Basic principles and historical development
9.3: Developments in the recent past
9.4: Current initiatives
9.5: Energy conversion, power cycles, and equipment
9.6: System performance
9.7: Optimization of manufacture
9.8: Future trends
9.9: Conclusions
9.10: Sources of further information and advice
Chapter 10: Concentrating photovoltaic systems and applications
10.1: Introduction
10.2: Fundamental characteristics of CPV systems
10.3: Characteristics of HCPV and LCPV devices and their applications
10.4: Design of concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems
10.5: Examples of CPV systems
10.6: Future trends
10.7: Conclusions
Chapter 11: Thermal energy storage systems for concentrating solar power plants
11.1: Introduction: Relevance of energy storage for CSP
11.2: Sensible energy storage
11.3: Latent heat storage concepts
11.4: Chemical energy storage
11.5: Selection of a heat storage concept
11.6: Storage in commercial CSP plants
11.7: Future developments
Part III: Optimization, improvements, and applications
Chapter 12: Hybridization with conventional fossil plants
12.1: Introduction
12.2: Solar hybridization approaches
12.3: Fossil boosting/backup of solar power plants
12.4: Solar-aided coal-fired power plants
12.5: Integrated solar combined cycle power plants
12.6: Advanced hybridization systems
12.7: Conclusions and future trends
Chapter 13: The long-term market potential of concentrating solar power systems
13.1: Introduction
13.2: Factors impacting the market penetration of CSP
13.3: Long-term CSP market potential
13.4: Summary and future trends
Chapter 14: Absorber materials for solar thermal receivers in concentrating solar power systems
14.1: Introduction
14.2: Characterization of selective absorber surfaces
14.3: Types of absorbers
14.4: Degradation and lifetime
14.5: Examples of receivers for concentrating collectors
14.6: Conclusion
Chapter 15: Optimization of concentrating solar power plant designs through integrated techno-economic modelling
15.1: Introduction
15.2: State-of-the-art in simulation and design of concentrating solar power plants
15.3: Multi-variable optimization of concentrating solar power (CSP) plants
15.4: Case study definition: Optimization of a parabolic trough power plant with molten salt storage
15.5: Case study results
15.6: Discussion of case study results
15.7: Conclusions and future trends
Chapter 16: Heliostat size optimization for central receiver solar power plants
16.1: Introduction
16.2: Heliostat design issues and cost analysis
16.3: Category 1: Costs constant per unit area irrespective of heliostat size and number
16.4: Category 2: Size dependent costs
16.5: Category 3: Fixed costs for each heliostat and other costs
16.6: Cost analysis as a function of area: The case of the 148m2 ATS glass/metal heliostat
16.7: Additional considerations in analysis of cost as a function of area for the 148m2 ATS glass/metal heliostat
16.8: Parametric analysis for optimum size based on a single detailed design
16.9: Conclusion
Chapter 17: Heat flux and high temperature measurement technologies for concentrating solar power
17.1: Introduction
17.2: Heat flux measurement
17.3: Flux mapping system case studies
17.4: High temperature measurement
17.5: Conclusions
Chapter 18: Concentrating solar technologies for industrial process heat
18.1: Introduction
18.2: Overview
18.3: Components and system configuration
18.4: Case studies
18.5: Future trends and conclusion
18.6: Sources of further information and advice
Chapter 19: Solar fuels and industrial solar chemistry
19.1: Introduction
19.2: Solar chemistry
19.3: Solar energy carriers and storage
19.4: Solar reactors
19.5: Solar fuels for end use
19.6: Other applications of industrial solar chemistry
19.7: Conclusions
Chapter 20: Concentrating solar power best practices
20.1: Introduction
20.2: CSP historical development
20.3: Scope of the best practices study
20.4: CSP project organization and implementation
20.5: Summary of best practice study results
20.6: Conclusion
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Concentrating,Solar Power,Technology,principles,developments,Keith Lovegrove,Wes Stein