Connecting Gospels: Beyond the Canonical/Non-Canonical Divide 1st edition by Francis Watson, Sarah Parkhouse – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0192546406, 9780192546401
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0192546406
ISBN-13 : 9780192546401
Author: Francis Watson, Sarah Parkhouse
By the late second century, early Christian gospels had been divided into two groups by a canonical boundary that assigned normative status to four of them while consigning their competitors to the margins. Connecting Gospels: Beyond the Canonical/Non-canonical Divide finds new ways to reconnect these divided texts. Starting from the assumption that, in spite of their differences, all early gospels express a common belief in the absolute significance of Jesus and his earthly career, this authoritative collection makes their interconnectedness fruitful for interpretation. The contributors have each selected a theme or topic and trace it across two or more gospels on either side of the canonical boundary, and the resulting convergences and divergences shed light not least on the canonical texts themselves as they are read from new and unfamiliar vantage points. This volume demonstrates that early gospel literature can be regarded as a single field of study, in contrast to the overwhelming predominance of the canonical four characteristic of traditional gospels scholarship.
Connecting Gospels: Beyond the Canonical/Non-Canonical Divide 1st Table of contents:
Part I: Beginnings
1. Praeparatio Evangelica in Early Christian Gospels
The Gospel of Truth
The Gospel of Philip
The Gospel of the Egyptians
Marcion’s Gospel
The Gospel of Thomas
2. Prophets, Priests, and Kings: Old Testament Figures in Marcion’s Gospel and Luke
Initial Considerations concerning ‘Marcion’s Gospel’ and ‘Luke’
Marcion and the ‘Old Testament’
Passages Attested as Absent from Marcion’s Gospel
Attested Interpretation of Marcion’s Gospel
3. The Protevangelium of James and the Creative Rewriting of Matthew and Luke
Literary Familiarity with the Gospels of Matthew and Luke
Responses to Problems in Matthew and Luke
Omissions, Presuppositions, and Fatigue
Lukan Pastiche
Beyond the Infancy Narrative
4. Jesus’ Body: Christology and Soteriology in the Body-Metaphors of the Gospel of Philip
Jesus in the Gospel of Philip
The Eucharist: Union with Christ and the Salvation of the Flesh
The Gospels of Philip and John: Issues of Dating
Part II: Ministry
5. Rejection at Nazareth in the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke—and Tatian
Jesus’ Preaching in the Synoptics
Jesus’ Preaching in Nazareth according to Tatian, Round 1
Jesus’ Preaching in Nazareth according to Tatian, Round 2
Tatian’s Compositional Principles in his Treatment of Jesus’ Preaching in the Synagogue in Nazareth
6. Jesus and Judaism: Inside or Outside? The Gospel of John, the Egerton Gospel, and the Spectrum of Ancient Christian Voices
The Gospel of John
The Unknown Gospel on Papyrus Egerton 2
The Gospel of John, the Egerton Gospel, and the Spectrum of Voices
7. Women in the Gospels of Mark and Mary
The Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Mary
Part III: Passion and Aftermath
8. ‘My Power, Power, You Have Left Me: ’Christology in the Gospel of Peter
Approaches to the Gospel of Peter
Christology in the Gospel of Peter
9. A Gospel of the Eleven: The Epistula Apostolorum and the Johannine Tradition
The Epistula Apostolorum as Gospel
The Gospel of the Eleven and the Gospel of John
10. Matter and the Soul: The Bipartite Eschatology of the Gospel of Mary
Cosmic Eschatology: The Dissolution of Matter
Individual Eschatology: The Ascent of the Soul
11. Jesus and Early Christian Identity Formation: Reflections on the Significance of the Jesus Figure in Early Christian Gospels
Early Christian Gospels and the Four Gospels of the Church
Manuscript Evidence of Non-Canonical Gospels
Non-Canonical Gospels and the Early Jesus Tradition
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Connecting Gospels,Beyond,the Canonical,Canonical Divide,Francis Watson,Sarah Parkhouse