Corn Crusade: Khrushchev’s Farming Revolution in the Post-Stalin Soviet Union 1st edition by Aaron T. Hale-Dorrell – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0190644699, 9780190644697
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0190644699
ISBN-13 : 9780190644697
Author: Aaron Hale Dorrell
Corn Crusade: Khrushchev’s Farming Revolution in the Post-Stalin Soviet Union is the first history of Nikita Khrushchev’s venture to cover the Soviet Union in corn, a crop common globally but hitherto rare in his country. Lasting from 1953 until 1964, this crusade was an emblematic component of his efforts to resolve agrarian crises inherited from Joseph Stalin. Using policies and propaganda to pressure farms to expand corn plantings tenfold, Khrushchev expected the resulting bounty to feed not people, but the livestock necessary to produce the meat and dairy products required to make good on his frequent pledges that the Soviet Union was soon to “catch up to and surpass America.” This promised to enrich citizens’ hitherto monotonous diets and score a victory in the Cold War, which was partly recast as a “peaceful competition” between communism and capitalism.Khrushchev’s former comrades derided corn as one of his “harebrained schemes” when ousting him in October 1964.
Corn Crusade: Khrushchev’s Farming Revolution in the Post-Stalin Soviet Union 1st Table of contents:
1. Scarcely Making Ends Meet
2. Industrial Agriculture, the Logic of Corn
3. Corn Politics
4. Better Living through Corn
5. Growing Corn, Raising Citizens
6. From Kolkhoznik to Wage Earner
7. American Technology, Soviet Practice
8. Battles over Corn
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