Cultures of Diplomacy and Literary Writing in the Early Modern World 1st Edition Tracey A. Sowerby- Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780198835691,0198835698,9780192572639, 0192572636
Product details:
- ISBN 10:0192572636
- ISBN 13:9780192572639
- Author: Tracey A. Sowerby; Joanna Craigwood
Table contents:
Part I. Literary Engagements
1:The Place of the Literary in European Diplomacy: Origin Myths in Ambassadorial Handbooks
2:Distinguished Visitors: Literary Genre and Diplomatic Space in Shakespeare, Calderón, and Proust, Timothy Hampton
3:Lines of Amity: The Law of Nations: in the Americas, Mark Netzloff
4:Diplomatic Pathos: Sidney’s Brazen Fictions and the Troubled Origins of International Law, John Watkins
Part II. Translation
5:Translation and Communication: War and Peace by Other Means, José María Pérez Fernández
6:The Politics of Translation: the Lusiads and European Diplomacy (1580-1664), Catarina Fouto
7:Translation and Cultural Convergence in Late Sixteenth-century Scotland and Huguenot France, Peter Auger
Part III. Dissemination
8:Books as Diplomatic Agents: Milton in Sweden, Joad Raymond
9:Diplomatic Knowledge on Display: Foreign Affairs in the Early Modern English Public Sphere, András Kiséry
10:A Diplomatic Narrative in the Archive: The War of Cyprus, Record Keeping Practices and Historical Research in the Early Modern Venetian Chancery, Fabio Antonini
Part IV. Diplomatic Documents
11:Textual Ambassadors and Ambassadorial Texts: Literary Representation and Diplomatic Practice in George Turberville’s and Thomas Randolph’s Accounts of Russia (1568-9), Jan Hennings
12:Diplomatic Writing as Aristocratic Self-fashioning: French Ambassadors in Constantinople, Christine Vogel
13:Negotiating with the Material Text: Royal Correspondence between England and the Wider World, Tracey A. Sowerby
14:Ritual Practice and Textual Representations: The Free Imperial Cities in the Society of Princes
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