Cybernetical Intelligence: Engineering Cybernetics with Machine Intelligence – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9781394217489,139421748X
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 139421748X
- ISBN-13 : 978-1394217489
- Author(s):
Highly comprehensive, detailed, and up-to-date overview of artificial intelligence and cybernetics, with practical examples and supplementary learning resources
Cybernetical Intelligence: Engineering Cybernetics with Machine Intelligence is a comprehensive guide to the field of cybernetics and neural networks, as well as the mathematical foundations of these technologies. The book provides a detailed explanation of various types of neural networks, including feedforward networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks as well as their applications to different real-world problems. This groundbreaking book presents a pioneering exploration of machine learning within the framework of cybernetics. It marks a significant milestone in the field’s history, as it is the first book to describe the development of machine learning from a cybernetics perspective. The introduction of the concept of “Cybernetical Intelligence” and the generation of new terminology within this context propel new lines of thought in the historical development of artificial intelligence. With its profound implications and contributions, this book holds immense importance and is poised to become a definitive resource for scholars and researchers in this field of study.
Table contents:
1 Artificial Intelligence and Cybernetical Learning 1
2 Cybernetical Intelligent Control 35
3 The Basics of Perceptron 51
4 The Structure of Neural Network 69
5 Backpropagation Neural Network 83
6 Application of Neural Network in Learning and Recognition 101
7 Competitive Learning and Self-Organizing Map 125
8 Support Vector Machine 149
9 Bio-Inspired Cybernetical Intelligence 177
10 Life-Inspired Machine Intelligence and Cybernetics 203
11 Revisiting Cybernetics and Relation to Cybernetical Intelligence 225
12 Turing Machine 249
13 Entropy Concepts in Machine Intelligence 267
14 Sampling Methods in Cybernetical Intelligence 283
15 Dynamic System Control 313
16 Deep Learning 333
17 Neural Architecture Search 367
Index 399
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