Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome and Cannabinoid Hyperemesis 1st Edition by William L. Hasler – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0128217405, 9780128217405
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0128217405
ISBN-13 : 9780128217405
Author: William L. Hasler
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome and Cannabinoid Hyperemesis comprehensively reviews the clinical features and pathophysiology of cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) and cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS). This book differentiates the clinical presentation of CVS and CHS from other vomiting syndromes and provides the information necessary to diagnose and effectively treat these disorders.
Compiled by expert CVS/CHS clinicians and written by physicians and researchers from several disciplines, this reference provides the most updated, evidence-based approaches, and summarizes the latest research on CVS/CHS. Important topics such as the neural systems that drive nausea and vomiting, clinical features of CVS/CHS including its subtypes, insights into pathogenesis, as well as the curious association of hot-water bathing associated with both of these disorders are all explored.
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome and Cannabinoid Hyperemesis 1st Table of contents:
1. Cyclic vomiting syndrome health experiences among patients and their caregivers
1.1 A mother’s story
1.2 Patient perceptions about causes of cyclic vomiting syndrome
1.3 Cyclic vomiting syndrome onset and symptoms
1.4 Receiving a diagnosis
1.5 Triggers for episodes
1.6 Impact of cyclic vomiting syndrome on the day-to-day life of patients
1.7 Impact on caregivers of children with cyclic vomiting syndrome
1.8 Perception about treatment in acute/urgent care
1.9 Importance of health-care knowledge
1.10 Hope and support
1.11 A revelation—February 2021
2. Central nervous system pathways of nausea and vomiting
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Dynamic threshold
2.3 Central mediation of nausea and the role of the nucleus tractus solitarii
2.4 Afferent input into the nucleus tractus solitarii
2.5 Efferent output from the nucleus tractus solitarii
2.6 Cyclic vomiting syndrome
2.7 Conclusion
3. Clinical features of cyclic vomiting syndrome
3.1 History of cyclic vomiting syndrome
3.2 Epidemiology
3.3 Cyclic vomiting syndrome symptom presentation
3.4 Associated symptoms
3.5 Temporal patterns of vomiting
3.6 Triggers of cyclic vomiting syndrome attacks
3.7 Comorbid conditions
3.8 Cyclic vomiting syndrome diagnostic criteria
3.9 Conclusion
4. Cyclic vomiting syndrome subtypes—do they provide insight into cyclic vomiting syndrome pathogenesis?
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Cyclic vomiting syndrome subtypes
4.3 Cyclic vomiting syndrome subtypes: different roads leading toward a common destination
5. Clinical and pathophysiological relationship between migraines and cyclic vomiting syndrome
5.1 Overview of relationship between cyclic vomiting syndrome and migraines
5.2 Clinical features of migraine headaches
5.3 Epidemiology of migraine headaches and cyclic vomiting syndrome
5.4 Pathophysiology of migraine headaches
5.5 Treatment of migraine headaches
5.6 Conclusion
6. Psychosocial contributors to cyclic vomiting syndrome
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Psychological and social aspects of cyclic vomiting syndrome
6.3 Stress and cyclic vomiting syndrome
6.4 Quality of life
6.5 School and work accommodations
6.6 Psychiatric comorbidity
6.7 Cannabis use and cyclic vomiting syndrome
6.8 Psychological and psychiatric treatment
6.9 Symptom assessment
6.10 Summary
7. Treatment of acute cyclic vomiting syndrome attacks
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The four phases of CVS
7.3 Approach to treatment of an acute CVS episode
7.4 Medications commonly used as abortive treatments for CVS
7.5 Treatment modifications for selected patient populations
7.6 Supportive treatment of CVS in the hospital setting
7.7 Conclusions
7.8 Future directions
8. Prevention of recurrent cyclic vomiting syndrome episodes
8.1 Introduction
8.2 How might cyclic vomiting syndrome prophylactic therapies work?
8.3 Adult cyclic vomiting syndrome prophylaxis in the current era
8.4 Prevention of cyclic vomiting syndrome episodes in pediatric patients
8.5 Treating women with cyclic vomiting syndrome who are of childbearing age or are pregnant
8.6 Nonpharmacologic approaches to preventing cyclic vomiting syndrome attacks
8.7 Major questions and future directions
9. Clinical features of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
9.1 History of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
9.2 Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome symptom presentation
9.3 Associated behaviors and symptoms
9.4 Diagnosis of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
9.5 Cannabis use profiles in cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
9.6 Epidemiology
9.7 Working toward a more clinically useful definition of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
9.8 Conclusion
10. How common is cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome and why is it so hard to diagnose?
10.1 Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome diagnostic criteria
10.2 Epidemiology
10.3 Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome as a substance-induced functional GI disorder
10.4 Why is cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome hard to diagnose?
10.5 How will future diagnostic criteria evolve to more reliably diagnose cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome?
10.6 Summary
11. Proposed mechanisms of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome—how can cannabinoid pathways both relieve and cause vomiting?
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Gut-brain axis pathways involved in CHS
11.3 Cannabinoid receptor biology
11.4 Potential mechanisms for development of CHS
11.5 Conclusions and future directions
12. The curious association of hot-water bathing with cyclic vomiting and cannabinoid hyperemesis syndromes
12.1 Introduction
12.2 History and epidemiology
12.3 Effects of hot-bathing behavior
12.4 Thermoregulation in humans
12.5 Nausea and thermoregulation
12.6 Cannabis, endocannabinoids, and thermoregulation
12.7 Postulated mechanisms for hot-water bathing responses in CVS and CHS
12.8 Conclusions
13. Management of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome—is it more than just avoiding cannabis use?
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Pathophysiology
13.3 Diagnostic criteria
13.4 Epidemiology
13.5 Treatment modalities
13.6 Special considerations
13.7 Conclusion
Further reading
14. Role of the emergency department in cyclic vomiting syndrome and cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome care
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Cyclic vomiting syndrome symptoms and other factors that mandate emergency department care
14.3 Devising a personalized care plan
14.4 Negotiating the patient relationship with the hospital
14.5 Patient empowerment
14.6 Conclusion
15. What can be accomplished to advance the field?
15.1 Spotlight on cyclic vomiting syndrome and cannabinoid hyperemesis
15.2 Areas of need for investigation
15.3 Epidemiology
15.4 Pathophysiology and associated comorbid conditions
15.5 Clinical features and diagnostic evaluation
15.6 Treatment
15.7 Moving forward
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Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome,Cannabinoid Hyperemesis,William Hasler