Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine 23th Edition by Stuart H. Ralston – Ebook PDF Instant Download/DeliveryISBN: 0702070246, 9780702070242
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Product details:
ISBN-10 : 0702070246
ISBN-13 : 9780702070242
Author : Stuart H. Ralston
More than two million medical students, doctors and other health professionals around the globe have owned a copy of Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine since it was first published. Now in its 23rd Edition, this textbook describes the pathophysiology and clinical features of the most frequently encountered conditions in the major specialties of adult medicine and explains how to recognise, investigate, diagnose and manage them. Taking its origins from Sir Stanley Davidson’s much-admired lecture notes, Davidson’s has endured because it keeps pace with how modern medicine is taught and provides a wealth of information in an easy-to-read, concise and beautifully illustrated format. This book will serve readers everywhere as a core text that integrates medical science with clinical medicine, conveying key knowledge and practical advice in a highly accessible and readable format.
Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine 23th Table of contents:
Part 1 Fundamentals of Medicine
1 Clinical decision-making
The problem of diagnostic error
Clinical reasoning: definitions
Clinical skills and decision-making
Use and interpretation of diagnostic tests
Dealing with uncertainty
Cognitive biases
Reducing errors in clinical decision-making
Patient-centred evidence-based medicine and shared decision-making
Clinical decision-making: putting it all together
Answers to problems
Further information
2 Clinical therapeutics and good prescribing
Principles of clinical pharmacology
Adverse outcomes of drug therapy
Drug regulation and management
Prescribing in practice
Further information
3 Clinical genetics
The fundamental principles of genomics
Genomics, health and disease
Interrogating the genome: the changing landscape of genomic technologies
Genomics and clinical practice
Further information
4 Clinical immunology
Functional anatomy and physiology
The inflammatory response
Presenting problems in immune disorders
Immune deficiency
Periodic fever syndromes
Autoimmune disease
Transplantation and graft rejection
Tumour immunology
Further information
5 Population health and epidemiology
Global burden of disease and underlying risk factors
Social determinants of health
Principles of screening
Health data/informatics
Further information
6 Principles of infectious disease
Infectious agents
Normal microbial flora
Host–pathogen interactions
Investigation of infection
Epidemiology of infection
Infection prevention and control
Antimicrobial stewardship
Treatment of infectious diseases
Further information
Part 2 Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
7 Poisoning
Comprehensive evaluation of the poisoned patient
General approach to the poisoned patient
Poisoning by specific pharmaceutical agents
Drugs of misuse
Chemicals and pesticides
Environmental poisoning
Food-related poisoning
Plant poisoning
Further information
8 Envenomation
Comprehensive evaluation of the envenomed patient
Geographical distribution of venomous snakes
Bedside tests in the envenomed patient
Overview of envenomation
General approach to the envenomed patient
Envenomation by specific animals
Further information
9 Environmental medicine
Radiation exposure
Extremes of temperature
High altitude
Under water
Humanitarian crisis
Further information
Telephone numbers
10 Acute medicine and critical illness
Clinical examination in critical care
Acute medicine
Presenting problems in acute medicine
Identification and assessment of deterioration
Common presentations of deterioration
Disorders causing critical illness
Critical care medicine
Stabilisation and institution of organ support
Daily clinical management in intensive care
Complications and outcomes of critical illness
Further information
Part 3 Clinical Medicine
11 Infectious disease
Clinical examination of patients with infectious disease
Presenting problems in infectious diseases
Viral infections
Prion diseases
Bacterial infections
Protozoal infections
Infections caused by helminths
Fungal infections
Further information
12 HIV infection and AIDS
Clinical examination in HIV disease
Virology and immunology
Diagnosis and investigations
Clinical manifestations of HIV
Presenting problems in HIV infection
Prevention of opportunistic infections
Antiretroviral therapy
Further information
13 Sexually transmitted infections
Clinical examination in men
Clinical examination in women
Approach to patients with a suspected STI
Presenting problems in men
Presenting problems in women
Prevention of STI
Sexually transmitted bacterial infections
Sexually transmitted viral infections
Further information
14 Clinical biochemistry and metabolic medicine
Clinical examination in biochemical and metabolic disorders
Biochemical investigations
Water and electrolyte homeostasis
Sodium homeostasis
Water homeostasis
Potassium homeostasis
Acid–base homeostasis
Calcium homeostasis
Magnesium homeostasis
Phosphate homeostasis
Disorders of amino acid metabolism
Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
Disorders of complex lipid metabolism
Lipids and lipoprotein metabolism
The porphyrias
Further information
15 Nephrology and urology
Clinical examination of the kidney and urinary tract
Functional anatomy and physiology
Investigation of renal and urinary tract disease
Presenting problems in renal and urinary tract disease
Glomerular diseases
Tubulo-interstitial diseases
Genetic renal diseases
Renal vascular diseases
Renal involvement in systemic conditions
Acute kidney injury
Chronic kidney disease
Renal replacement therapy
Renal disease in pregnancy
Renal disease in adolescence
Drugs and the kidney
Infections of the urinary tract
Diseases of the collecting system and ureters
Tumours of the kidney and urinary tract
Urinary incontinence
Prostate disease
Testicular tumours
Erectile dysfunction
Further information
16 Cardiology
Clinical examination of the cardiovascular system
Functional anatomy and physiology
Investigation of cardiovascular disease
Presenting problems in cardiovascular disease
Cardiac arrhythmias
Principles of management of cardiac arrhythmias
Coronary artery disease
Peripheral arterial disease
Diseases of the aorta
Diseases of the heart valves
Congenital heart disease
Diseases of the myocardium
Diseases of the pericardium
Further information
17 Respiratory medicine
Clinical examination of the respiratory system
Functional anatomy and physiology
Investigation of respiratory disease
Presenting problems in respiratory disease
Obstructive pulmonary diseases
Infections of the respiratory system
Tumours of the bronchus and lung
Interstitial and infiltrative pulmonary diseases
Occupational and environmental lung disease
Pulmonary vascular disease
Diseases of the upper airway
Pleural disease
Diseases of the diaphragm and chest wall
Further information
18 Endocrinology
Clinical examination in endocrine disease
An overview of endocrinology
The thyroid gland
The reproductive system
The parathyroid glands
The adrenal glands
The endocrine pancreas and gastrointestinal tract
The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland
Disorders affecting multiple endocrine glands
Further information
19 Nutritional factors in disease
Clinical examination in nutritional disorders
Clinical assessment and investigation of nutritional status
Nutritional factors and disease
Disorders of altered energy balance
Micronutrients, minerals and their diseases
Further information
20 Diabetes mellitus
Clinical examination of the patient with diabetes
Functional anatomy and physiology
Aetiology and pathogenesis of diabetes
Presenting problems in diabetes mellitus
Management of diabetes
Complications of diabetes
Further information
21 Gastroenterology
Clinical examination of the gastrointestinal tract
Functional anatomy and physiology
Investigation of gastrointestinal disease
Presenting problems in gastrointestinal disease
Diseases of the mouth and salivary glands
Diseases of the oesophagus
Diseases of the stomach and duodenum
Diseases of the small intestine
Inflammatory bowel disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
HIV/AIDS and the gastrointestinal tract
Ischaemic gut injury
Disorders of the colon and rectum
Diseases of the peritoneal cavity
Other disorders
Diseases of the pancreas
Further information
22 Hepatology
Clinical examination of the abdomen for liver and biliary disease
Functional anatomy and physiology
Investigation of liver and hepatobiliary disease
Presenting problems in liver disease
Portal hypertension
Infections and the liver
Alcoholic liver disease
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Autoimmune liver and biliary disease
Liver tumours and other focal liver lesions
Drugs and the liver
Inherited liver diseases
Vascular liver disease
Pregnancy and the liver
Liver transplantation
Cholestatic and biliary disease
Further information
23 Haematology and transfusion medicine
Clinical examination in blood disease
Functional anatomy and physiology
Investigation of diseases of the blood
Presenting problems in blood disease
Principles of management of haematological disease
Haematological malignancies
Aplastic anaemias
Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Bleeding disorders
Thrombotic disorders
Further information
24 Rheumatology and bone disease
Clinical examination of the musculoskeletal system
Functional anatomy and physiology
Investigation of musculoskeletal disease
Presenting problems in musculoskeletal disease
Principles of management
Crystal-induced arthritis
Bone and joint infections
Rheumatoid arthritis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Autoimmune connective tissue diseases
Diseases of bone
Bone and joint tumours
Rheumatological involvement in other diseases
Miscellaneous conditions
Further information
25 Neurology
Clinical examination of the nervous system
Functional anatomy and physiology
Investigation of neurological disease
Presenting problems in neurological disease
Functional symptoms
Headache syndromes
Vestibular disorders
Disorders of sleep
Neuro-inflammatory diseases
Paraneoplastic neurological disorders
Neurodegenerative diseases
Infections of the nervous system
Intracranial mass lesions and raised intracranial pressure
Disorders of cerebellar function
Disorders of the spine and spinal cord
Diseases of peripheral nerves
Diseases of the neuromuscular junction
Diseases of muscle
Further information
26 Stroke medicine
Clinical examination in stroke disease
Functional anatomy and physiology
Presenting problems
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Cerebral venous disease
Further information
27 Medical ophthalmology
Functional anatomy and physiology
Investigation of visual disorders
Presenting problems in ophthalmic disease
Specialist ophthalmological conditions
Further information
28 Medical psychiatry
Clinical examination
Functional anatomy and physiology
Presenting problems in psychiatric illness
Principles of management of psychiatric disorders
Psychiatric disorders
Psychiatry and the law
Further information
29 Dermatology
Clinical examination in skin disease
Functional anatomy and physiology
Investigation of skin disease
Presenting problems in skin disease
Principles of management of skin disease
Skin tumours
Common skin infections and infestations
Acne and rosacea
Psoriasis and other erythematous scaly eruptions
Lichenoid eruptions
Bullous diseases
Pigmentation disorders
Hair disorders
Nail disorders
Skin disease in general medicine
Further information
30 Maternal medicine
Clinical examination in pregnancy
Clinical evaluation in maternal medicine
Planning pregnancy in patients with medical conditions
Functional anatomy and physiology
Presenting problems in pregnancy
Medical disorders in pregnancy
Further information
31 Adolescent and transition medicine
Transition from paediatric to adult health services
Functional anatomy and physiology
Clinical assessment
Presenting problems in transition medicine
Clinical presentations
Further information
32 Ageing and disease
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
Functional anatomy and physiology
Presenting problems in geriatric medicine
Further information
33 Oncology
Clinical examination of the cancer patient
The 10 hallmarks of cancer
Environmental and genetic determinants of cancer
Presenting problems in oncology
Emergency complications of cancer
Metastatic disease
Therapeutics in oncology
Specific cancers
Multidisciplinary teams
Further information
34 Pain and palliative care
Palliative care
Death and dying
Further information
35 Laboratory reference ranges
Notes on the international system of units (SI units)
Laboratory reference ranges in adults
Laboratory reference ranges in childhood and adolescence
Laboratory reference ranges in pregnancy
Further information
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