Decoding Reality: The Universe as Quantum Information 2nd Edition – Ebook Instant Download/Delivery ISBN(s): 9780192552990,0192552996,9780192554253, 0192554255
Product details:
- ISBN 10: 0192554255
- ISBN 13:9780192554253
- Author: Vlatko Vedral
Table contents:
1. Creation Ex Nihilo: Something from Nothing
2. Information for all Seasons
Part One
3. Back to Basics: Bits and Pieces
4. Digital Romance: Life is a Four-Letter Word
5. Murphy’s Law: I Knew this Would Happen to Me
6. Place Your Bets: In It to Win It
7. Social Informatics: Get Connected or Die Tryin’
Part Two
8. Quantum Schmuntum: Lights, Camera, Action!
9. Surfing the Waves: Hyper-Fast Computers
10. Children of the Aimless Chance: Randomness versus Determinism
Part Three
11. Sand Reckoning: Whose Information is It, Anyway?
12. Destruction ab Toto: Nothing from Something
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