Detective Book Club Mystery Omnibus – July 1959 – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery
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- Author:Detective Book Club Mystery Omnibus
This checklist includes all of the 3-in-1 omnibuses published by the Walter J. Black Publishing Company that I have been able to identify. This includes the regular issues of the Detective Book Club from 1942 though 2000; the issues – identical in format – sold via the Inner Circle book club that began in the early seventies and continued into the eighties or nineties; and various promotional volumes, as long as they are “3-in-1” and have the same general format as the monthly offerings.
The primary source of information on the Detective Book Club and Walter J. Black is the book “Murder by Mail. Inside the Mystery Book Clubs” by Michael J. Cook, second edition 1983, published by the Bowling Green University Popular Press. This book includes background information on the Walter J. Black Publishing Company, and also lists the books distributed by competing book clubs in the mystery field. Cook had assistance in compiling the list from the Walter J. Black company, and was able to assign month and year to almost all volumes though 1983, and to identify which were from the Detective Book Club and which for the Inner Circle. In the Cook listing a reference number is assigned to each entry (either a simple number or, for the Inner Circle, a separate sequence of numbers prefixed with “IC-“). That numbering is not used in the current listing, which includes many entries – largely from 1983 to the end of the century – that can not currently be accurately sequenced.
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