Doodle Dogs For Dummies 1st edition by Miriam Fields Babineau – Ebook PDF Instant Download/Delivery: 1119822254, 9781119822257
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Product details:
• ISBN 10:1119822254
• ISBN 13:9781119822257
• Author: Miriam Fields Babineau
Fall in love with a Doodle Dog! This guide tells you everything you need to know about this popular cross-breed.
With their cute names and curly coats, Doodles have become popular pets. And why not? They’re more than just cute―they’re generally affectionate, playful, and highly trainable dogs. They also don’t shed much, so they’ll ideal for people with pet allergies. In other words, a perfect family companion!
If you don’t know exactly what a Doodle is, they’re a cross breed of a poodle with another kind of dog; think Labradoodles (Labrador and poodle), Aussiedoodles (Australian shepherd and poodle), Goldendoodles (Golden Retriever and poodle), or Sheepadoodles (English Sheepdog and poodle). You get the idea. The possibilities are endless and no matter the crossbreed, they all live in the cuteness zone.
If you don’t want to resist―and who can?―Doodle Dogs For Dummies is the ultimate guide on all things Doodles. You’ll find helpful information within its pages whether you’re just considering a Doodle, or you’ve already brought one home.
Learn how to identify breeds
Find the Doodle that’s best for your family
Pick a breeder or go the animal shelter route
Keep your Doodle looking their best with proper grooming
Acclimate your Doodle to your home, including to other pets
Get expert tips on training and healthy treats for your Doodle
From long walks on sunny days to cuddling on the couch, you have a lot of quality time to look forward to with your furry best friend. And Doodle Dogs For Dummies will ensure that your Doodle is happy and healthy for their lifetime.
Doodle Dogs For Dummies 1st edition Table of contents:
Part 1: From Poodle to Doodle
Chapter 1: Meet the Doodle
Doodle Sizes
Toy-size Doodles
Miniature-size Doodles
Standard-size Doodles
Doodle Personalities
Very intuitive
Doodle Health
Life span
Potential health issues
Doodle Training
Puppies: Up to 4 months old
Adolescents: 4 to 8 months old
Adults: Over 8 months old
Chapter 2: The Amazing Poodle
Meet the Poodle
Big, Small, Poodles Have It All
Poodle Personalities
Common Health Concerns
Chapter 3: Considering Your Doodle Options
Considering Your Lifestyle
Doodle Commonalities
Grooming requirements
Early socialization requirements
Behavioral quirks
Dietary requirements
Exercise requirements
Separation anxiety
Meet the Doodles
Cavadoodle (Cavapoo)
Chidoodle (Chipoo)
Jackadoodle (Jackapoo)
Pugadoodle (Pugapoo)
Shihdoodle (Shihpoo)
Whoodle (Wheatenpoo)
Yorkipoo (Yorkidoodle)
Part 2: Your Very Own Doodle
Chapter 4: Pick a Doodle
Finding Your Doodle
Searching the web
Doodle owners
Identifying a Reputable Breeder
Looking at the different kinds of breeders
Asking the right questions
Visiting a breeder
Getting health clearances
Reading the puppy purchase contract
Temperament Testing a Doodle
Be gentle: Testing for touch sensitivity
What’s that? Testing for movement and object sensitivity
Who’s the boss? Testing for confidence or passivity
I’ll get that! Testing for possessiveness and retrieval ability
Follow the leader: Testing for social skills
Chapter 5: Doodle on the Way
Before Doodle Day: What to Know Before Bringing Your Dog Home
Financial considerations
Time considerations
Space considerations
Puppy-Proofing Your Home
Removing chewing hazards
Protecting your furniture
Safety first
Setting Up Sleeping and Eating Areas
The crate: Your dog’s first place to sleep
Thinking outside the box: Letting your dog sleep outside a crate
Buying bedding
Giving your dog a place to eat
Stocking Up on Supplies
Collars, harnesses, and leashes
Dishes and bowls
Chapter 6: It’s Doodle Day: Picking Up Your New Puppy
Travel Considerations
Flying with your puppy
Traveling by car
Poop, Pee, Eat, Sleep, Repeat: Setting Up a Feeding and Potty Schedule
Giving Your Puppy the Guided Tour
Showing your pup around
Greeting the family
Meeting other pets
Taking your Doodle out to do their business
Helping Your Doodle through the First-Night Blues
Planning Activities to Keep Your Doodle Entertained
It Takes a Village: Making Sure the Whole Family is Onboard
Feeding times
Potty breaks
Training and exercise routines
Chapter 7: Doodle Care
Giving Your Doodle the Nutrition They Need
The basics of nutrition
Types of dog food
Going to the Veterinarian
Choosing a veterinarian
Spaying or neutering
Going for regular checkups and vaccinations
Controlling parasites
Recognizing and Addressing Health Issues
Itches, bumps and spots: Skin disorders
Food allergies
Finicky or piggy: Eating disorders
Born with it or accidental: Skeletal issues
Common food sensitivities
Offering First-Aid to Your Doodle
Assembling your canine first-aid kit
Knowing what to do in an emergency
Nature’s Way: Exploring Natural Foods and Supplements
Chapter 8: The Dapper Doodle
The Better to Hear You With: Cleaning Your Doodle’s Ears
Mani-Pedi Time: Trimming Your Doodle’s Nails
Say Cheese!: Keeping Your Doodle’s Teeth Healthy
Lookin’ Good: Coat Maintenance
Professional Doodle Grooming
Doodle cuts
Which cut is right for your dog
Preparing for grooming
Part 3: Doodle Training
Chapter 9: Doodle Rules and Regulations
Setting the Rules
Being Consistent, Praising Frequently, and Exercising Patience
Being Observant and Harnessing Good Behavior
Facilitating good behavior
Capturing behavior
Shaping behavior
Housetraining Your Puppy
Crate training
Finding the right outdoor relief area
Observing and directing your pup’s behavior
Training your Doodle to potty on cue
For whom the bell tolls: Training your Doodle to tell you when they have to go
Chapter 10: Basic Doodle Lessons
Buying and Using the Right Training Equipment
Targeting and Marking
Teaching Your Doodle the Basic Cues
Chapter 11: Advanced Doodle Lessons
Increasing the Duration and Distance of Stays and Recalls
Increasing the distance during stays
Getting your dog to come from a stay
Walking at Heel without a Leash
Phase 1: Dragging the leash
Phase 2: Using a pull-tab leash
Distraction-Proofing Your Doodle
Other animals
Enhancing Focus by Capturing Offered Behavior
Capturing heeling off lead
Voluntary stays
Putting on the Finishing Touches: AKC Rally
Puppy Playground: Doodle Agility Fun
Chapter 12: Doodle Don’ts
Four on the Floor: Stopping Jumping Up
Understanding why dogs jump
Keeping your Doodle’s feet on the ground
Curing the insistent jumper
I’m Not Your Supper: Stopping Mouthing
Understanding why dogs nip and mouth
Preventing the problem
Curing the problem
Chew on This, Not That
Understanding why dogs chew
Solving the problem
Oh, the Noise! Getting Your Doodle to Stop Barking
Keeping your Doodle occupied while you’re gone
Helping your Doodle to be confident on their own
Stopping barking on cue
All Mine: Teaching Your Doodle to Share
Surf’s Up! Stopping Counter-Surfing
Part 4: Doodles with a Purpose
Chapter 13: Doodles as Assistance Dogs
The Better to Hear You With: Hearing Dogs
Assistance Doodles
Emotional Support Dogs
Chapter 14: Doodle Sports
Participating in Formal Competitions
Looking at the different kinds of competitions
Preparing for your event
Hunting with Your Doodle
Having Down-Home Fun with Your Doodle
Part 5: Senior Doodles
Chapter 15: Recognizing the Changing Needs of Aging Doodles
Physical Changes
Worsening allergies
Bad breath
Lumps and bumps
Weight gain
Aches and pains: Changes in your Doodle’s joints
Blindness and deafness
Mental Changes
Chapter 16: Enhancing the Life of Your Aging Doodle
Move It or Lose It: Keeping Your Senior Doodle Active
Walking not running
Keeping the games light
Feeding Your Senior Doodle
Understanding how your dog’s needs have changed
Feeding more often to aid digestion
Old Dog, New Tricks: Training Your Senior Doodle
Exercises for the body
Exercises for the mind
Chapter 17: Double Doodle: Adding a Second Dog to Your Family
Looking at Common Reasons to Get a Second Dog
To give your current dog a companion
To prevent separation anxiety
To Doodle or Not to Doodle: That is the Question
Knowing What to Look for in a Sibling
Helping the New Duo Get Along
Setting up a positive initial meeting
Acclimating to a new life
Preventing resource guarding
Working with the dogs in tandem
Part 6: The Part of Tens
Chapter 18: Ten Reasons to Get Your Doodle from a Reputable Breeder
They Know What They’re Producing
They Provide Health Certifications
They Let You Meet the Parents
They Care Who Buys Their Puppies
They Offer Health Guarantees
They’ll Take Your Dog Back if You Can’t Keep Them
They Can Help You Pick the Right Puppy
They Provide Proof of Vaccinations
They Can Give You All Kinds of Guidance after You’ve Taken Your Pup Home
They Care about the Puppies They Produce
Chapter 19: Ten Reasons to Share Your Life with a Doodle
Doodles Are Adorable
Doodles Are Extremely Intelligent
Doodles Are Easy to Train
Doodles May Not Shed as Much as Some Other Breeds
Doodles Love People
Doodles Love Other Dogs
Doodles Are Very Sensitive
Doodles Are Entertaining
Doodles Come in All Sizes
Doodles Fit in Any Climate
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Doodle Dogs,Dogs For Dummies,Miriam Fields Babineau